Research Grants

Vijay Ramakrishnan, MD
Chair: Research & Grants Committee


ARS members of CORE's Study Section review all applications. Review criteria include project significance, scientific approach/methodology, and feasibility. Each applicant will receive a summary statement detailing the reviewers' comments. Recipients of ARS research grants are required to submit a final project status and financial report, and present the findings of their research at a national meeting of the ARS. Publication of results is expected with the ARS having the right of first refusal through its official journal, The International Forum of Allergy & Rhinology.

ARS Offers CORE Grants Annually


David Kennedy, M.D. Innovation in Rhinology Grant

New grant for 2024-2025 created to honor Dr David W. Kennedy, M.D. and his innumerable contributions to the field of Rhinology. $10,000 grant, endowed by Karl Storz. Available to residents, fellows, or practicing Rhinologists in good standing with the ARS. Resident and fellow submissions must have a supervising faculty member who is an ARS member in good standing. This award is not currently open to international ARS members. The application process is more streamlined than traditional CORE grants, and will be administered through the ARS.

Application information here: DOCX | PDF.

ARS Diversity Fellowship Grant

Started in 2024, this grant will provide two $50,000 awards to selected applicants. The ARS is committed to promoting and maintaining diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) within the society, and more broadly in the field of rhinology and otolaryngology. Furthermore, the ARS supports the development of rhinologic leaders who are from traditionally underrepresented in our field. Consequently, the ARS and its corporate partners have developed a DEI fellowship support mechanism to promote URM and women residents and fellows to become leaders in rhinology. Click here to learn more.


ARS New Investigator Research Grant

The ARS New Investigator Grant is a $40,000 award open to a promising investigator who is not a current recipient of a major research grant. This award is active for up to two years and requires the mentorship of an established investigator. Application information here.

ARS Resident Research Grant

Two Resident Research awards, each in the amount of $10,000, are available. These awards are for a period of one year. Residents applying for this award must be an ARS member or candidate and must have an ARS member as a co-investigator.  Application information here.

ARS Friends in Research Award

The Friends in Research Award is a $25,000 award for a period of 24 months. ARS members who have completed residency and have not received previous, significant outside funding are eligible. Application information here.

ARS Sue Ann and John L. Weinberg Foundation Cystic Fibrosis Chronic Rhinosinusitis Grant

$20,000 maximum, one year. One available. Application information here.


What is a CORE grant? A sometimes common and fair question from our membership. Continuing investigation into pathophysiology and new treatment modalities in rhinologic disease is critical to the advancement of our specialty. Your ARS supports this mission through an organized research grant mechanism. This is an expense and investment and some might ask whether this is the right direction and culture for our Society. There are several reasons to think it is. Not only does it allow us to offer our patients critical advancements in therapy and technology, but clinical and basic research are essential to the continued growth of our specialty and support our central role in the care of patients with rhinologic disease. In the era of evidence based medicine, research is more critical than ever to safeguard our unique role in the management of rhinologic disease.

In an effort to strengthen research support in all areas of Otolaryngology, the AAO-HNSF has joined forces with several senior societies, including the ARS, to broaden research opportunities and to streamline and enhance the research grant application and review process. The Centralized Otolaryngology Research Efforts (CORE) serves as a central clearinghouse and facilitator for Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery research programs. The ARS, AAO-HNSF, AHNS, AMD, ASPO, AAFPRS, and the ANS offer several funding mechanisms for one-year and two-year, non-renewable grants. Additional grants or new grants programs may be announced as more resources become available. Funding is also subject to the receipt of sufficiently meritorious applications. Through a rigorous centralized research grant application, review, and administration process, a uniform level of scientific rigor can be attained to achieve three objectives: 1) provide support for the most meritorious research in Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery; 2) educate young investigators to prepare competitive grant applications; and 3) prepare more surgeon-scientists to serve as peer reviewers for NIH and other research agencies. The CORE program also brings greater scale and less fragmentation to Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery research opportunities, reduces the aggregate administrative costs of the individual grant programs, and enables a comprehensive overview of the spectrum of promising Otolaryngology and head and neck surgery research/researchers to promote to the NIH and other agencies. In order for our specialty to thrive, we must have a seat at the table with these important agencies.


  • Letter of Intent (LOI) Deadline - December 16, 2024 11:59pm EST
  • Full grant application submission deadline - January 15, 2025 11:59pm EST
  • Review of grant applications - January - March
  • CORE Study Section In-Person Meeting - Third Weekend of March
  • Review by governing bodies - Apri - May
  • Award announcements made by granting society - June
AAO-HNS/F CORE Grant Website


Information regarding recipients of the ARS Research Grants since 2001 is available by clicking below.

Previous Grant Recipients