Policies & Procedures of the American Rhinologic Society (ARS)


Section 1. Mission
Section 2. Membership
Section 3. Leadership
Section 4. Dues
Section 5. Annual Elections
Section 6. Board of Directors
Section 7. Committee Structure
Section 8. Standing Committees
Section 9. Non-Standing Committees
Section 10. Special Committees
Section 11. Sections: Organization and Process
Section 12. Sections
Section 13. Financial Information/Requests for Funding
Section 14. Attorneys and Consultants
Section 15. Continuing Medical Education
Section 16. Society Educational Meetings
Section 17. Society Annual Meeting Program
Section 18. Society Annual Meeting Awards
Section 19. Publications
Section 20. The Society Journal
Section 21. Corporate Development Program
Section 22. Internet Activities/Website
Section 23. Societal Written Communications
Section 24. Contracts, Checks, Deposits, and Funds
Section 25. Properties of the Society
Section 26. Amendments


  1. The American Rhinologic Society (ARS) is a non-profit primarily educational organization designated as a 501(c)(3) association by the IRS. The history of the ARS dates to a course in Rhinologic Medicine and Surgery presented at Johns Hopkins Hospital in 1954 by Dr. Maurice H. Cottle.
  2. Mission Statement:
    The mission of the American Rhinologic Society is to serve, represent and advance the science and the ethical practice of Rhinology. The Society promotes excellence in patient care, research and education in Rhinology and Sinusology. The American Rhinologic Society is dedicated to providing communication and fellowship to members of the Rhinologic Community through ongoing medical education, patient advocacy and social programs.


  1. The ARS has a formal, credentials-based membership application process. This process is outlined below.
    1. Information and applications for individuals interested in joining the Society is available on the Society's web page: www.american-rhinologic.org
    2. Applications are submitted to the Membership Committee Chair for initial administrative review.
    3. All applicants for affiliate membership must be sponsored by two members of the Society through provision of contact information. Applicants for Fellowship must be endorsed by two members of the Society through letters of recommendation.
    4. Completed applications are forwarded to Membership Committee members by the chairperson. The Membership Committee members certify the applicants’ eligibility and qualifications.
    5. For Fellow applicants, the Membership Committee chairperson or representative presents certified applicants and the committee's recommendation for approval to the Board of Directors on a monthly basis. An affirmative vote of two-thirds of the members shall be required for election.
    6. For all other membership categories, the Membership Committee votes to accept or reject the completed application. An affirmative vote of 2/3 of the committee members shall be required for election.
    7. Affirmed candidates will be presented to the Secretary.
  2. Membership Rights and Privileges
    1. Member
      1. Regular members shall have the rights and privileges of membership and shall be eligible to vote.
      2. Regular members may serve on one or more committees, but may not hold elected office or chair a committee.
    2. Fellow
      1. Fellows shall have the same rights and privileges of Regular members.
      2. Fellows shall be eligible to vote, serve on one or more committees, and in addition may hold elected office serve as committee chair.
    3. Honorary Member
      1. Honorary Members shall not be eligible to vote, hold office, or serve on a committee.
      2. Honorary Members shall receive Society communications and other benefits of membership.
    4. Charter Member
      1. A charter member shall have the rights and privileges of a regular member.
    5. Resident Member
      1. Resident Members shall not receive the printed Journal but shall enjoy all the other privileges of the Society including electronic access to the Journal.
      2. Resident Members shall not have voting privileges.
    6. Affiliate Member
      1. Affiliate Members shall not be eligible to vote, hold office, or serve on any committee other than advisory and may not pay dues or assessments.
      2. Affiliate Members will pay registration fees and fees for social events.
    7. International Member
      1. International Members shall be eligible for reduced membership fee, and fellow/membership registration rate at the Annual Meeting.
      2. International Members shall receive normal society mailings; however, they shall not receive a printed Journal. They will receive electronic access to the Journal.
      3. International Members may serve on one or more committees but shall not be eligible to vote or hold elected office.
    8. Emeritus Fellow
      1. Emeritus Fellows shall have all privileges of a regular membership except he/she shall neither be eligible for any elected office nor be eligible to vote.
      2. Emeritus Fellows shall not be required to pay dues or assessments. They shall be required to pay registration fees and fees for social events, as do all active members. They will have electronic access to the Journal.
    9. Retired member
      1. Retired members shall have all privileges of a regular membership except he/she shall neither be eligible for any elected office nor be eligible to vote.
    10. Retired members shall not be required to pay dues or assessments. They shall be required to pay registration fees and fees for social events, as do all active members. They will have electronic access to the Journal.
  3. Qualifications for membership
    1. Member
      1. Degree of MD or DO.
      2. Holds an unrestricted license to practice medicine in the US or Canada.
      3. Completion of Otolaryngology residency training acceptable to the BOD.
    2. Fellow:
      1. A physician who has met the criteria for regular membership and has the following additional qualifications.
      2. Diplomat of the American Board of Otolaryngology (or its equivalent) in good standing.
      3. At least 3 years out from completion of otolaryngology residency training.
      4. Documentation of 50 surgical rhinologic cases in a 2-year time period. (Examples of rhinologic cases include endoscopic sinus surgery, external sinus surgery, endoscopic orbital or skull base surgery).
      5. Documentation of service to the rhinologic community (Examples include publications in the field of rhinology, involvement in non-industry sponsored educational activities that serve the public, the medical community or training programs)
      6. Attendance of at least 3 ARS meetings over a period of 3 years.
      7. Sponsorship by two ARS members (in good standing) through letters of recommendation.
    3. Honorary Member
      1. Conferred on a physician or scientist in recognition of distinguished achievement in the field of Rhinology or allied sciences by a General membership vote acting upon the recommendation of the Board of Directors.
    4. Resident Member
      1. Degree of MD or DO.
      2. Engaged in a full-time Otolaryngology residency training program in the US or Canada.
      3. Application to the Secretary with receipt of a letter of recommendation from the chairperson or residency program director of his/her residency program confirming he/she is in good standing.
      4. Upon leaving residency, elevation to Membership can be initiated through the standard application process.
    5. Affiliate Member
      1. Professional association with a fellow, regular, associate, honorary, or charter member.
      2. Written application and sponsorship by two Members of the Society in good standing.
    6. Affiliate Member (Corporate/Industry)
      1. An individual currently employed by an industry or corporation who has a professional association with a regular, fellow, honorary or charter member shall be eligible for Affiliate (Industry/Corporate) membership.
    7. International Member
      1. Any physician who practices the specialty of Rhinology in countries other than the United States and Canada, and whose geographical location prohibits him or her from regular attendance at meetings, and who holds a valid and unrestricted license to practice medicine in his or her respective country shall be eligible to become an International Member.
    8. Emeritus Fellow
      1. This class of membership is limited to those who have achieved Fellowship in the ARS but have retired from the active practice of Medicine.
      2. Fellows can become Emeritus Fellows upon written request to the Secretary.
    9. Rhinology Fellow-In-Training
      1. Degree of MD or DO.
      2. Engaged in a Rhinology Fellowship in the US or Canada.
      3. Fellow-In-Training status cannot exceed two (2) years.
    10. Fellow-In-Training (Non-Rhinology)
      1. Degree of MD or DO.
      2. Engaged in a fellowship in the US or Canada acceptable to the BOD.
      3. Fellow in Training status cannot exceed two years.
    11. International Fellow-In-Training
      1. Degree of MD or DO or its equivalent.
      2. Engaged in a full-time fellowship program (outside of the US or Canada) acceptable to the BOD.
      3. Fellow-In-Training status cannot exceed two years.
    12. International Resident
      1. Degree of MD or DO or its equivalent.
      2. Engaged in a full-time residency training program (outside of the US or Canada) acceptable to the BOD.
    13. Retired member
      1. This class of membership is limited to those Regular ARS members who have retired from the active practice of Medicine.
  4. Voting Rights
    1. Each fellow, regular member, and charter member shall be entitled to one vote on each matter submitted to a vote of the membership at general membership meetings and Society Business Meetings.
  5. Termination of Membership
    1. The Board of Directors by an affirmative vote of two-thirds of all of the members of the Board may suspend or expel a member for cause after an appropriate hearing.
    2. The Board of Directors may also expel any member who shall be in default in the payment of dues as set forth below in Section 4.
    3. A member who does not attend for three successive annual meetings without just cause may after due notification be dropped from the Society rolls.
  6. Resignation
    1. Any member may resign by filing a written resignation with the Secretary, but such resignation shall not relieve the member so resigning of the obligation to pay any dues, assessments, or other charges theretofore accrued and unpaid.
  7. Reinstatement
    1. Upon written request, signed by a former member and filed with the Secretary, the Board of Directors may, by affirmative vote of two-thirds of the members of the Board, reinstate such former member to membership upon such terms as the Board of Directors may deem appropriate.
  8. Transfer of Membership
    1. Membership in this Society is not transferable or assignable.


  1. President
    1. The President shall be the principal executive officer of the Society.
    2. The President shall serve as spokesperson for the Society.
    3. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Board of Directors, Executive committee, and Regular meetings of the Society.
    4. The President may sign any deeds, mortgages, bonds, contracts or other instruments which the Board of Directors have authorized to be executed. Exceptions may include circumstances where the signing and execution thereof shall be expressly delegated to the Board of Directors, or by these bylaws or by other statute, to some other officer or agent of the Society, and in general shall perform all duties incident to the office of President, and such other duties as may be prescribed by the Board of Directors.
    5. The President shall be an ex-officio member of all committees except the Nominating Committee.
    6. The President shall be notified by the Chair of the committee on committees of the appointments to Committee chairpersons.
    7. The President’s term is completed at the conclusion of the Annual Scientific Meeting.
    8. The President shall meet with the leadership of other otolaryngology societies as needed. If the President is not available a member of the Executive Committee should be notified to substitute.
    9. The President shall assist in planning Society events and choosing Presidential Awards.
  2. Executive Vice President (EVP)
    1. The EVP shall be elected with the charge to carry out duties of the office as described in the Policies and Procedures of the Society.
    2. Search Committee
      1. This is an ad hoc committee of the Society that is composed of the ARS President; an ARS Executive Committee member (1), an ARS Board member (1), an ARS Committee Chair (1), an ARS at-large member (2), and an ARS administrator (1).
      2. The EVP Search Committee will be chaired by the ARS President.
    3. Selection Process
      1. The Chair of the EVP Search Committee will send out a membership-wide email communication informing soliciting applications from interested members who wish to be considered. The EVP Search Committee will also prepare its own list of potential candidates whose applications would be solicited and considered for the position.
      2. The EVP application will include a list of questions, COI and financial disclosures, CV, and references.
      3. The ARS Search Committee will review each application and rate the candidates. The top ranked candidates will be invited for interviews.
      4. The ARS Search Committee will convene and decide on a candidate whose name will be sent to the BOD for their approval.
    4. Performance Evaluation
      1. The EVP will be evaluated annually.
      2. The Immediate Past President will organize and direct the annual evaluation process and report to the Executive Committee and Board of Directors.
    5. Notification of Resignation or Termination
      1. The EVP will be expected to give the President and the Board of Directors one year of notice prior to resignation.
      2. The Board of Directors will give the EVP at least a 30-day notice of termination based on poor performance or other just cause.
    6. Responsibilities of EVP
      1. The EVP will support and facilitate the duties of the President and implement decisions of the Executive Committee and Board of Directors. The EVP shall have general charge of all matters of the ARS under the direction of the President, Executive Committee, and Board of Directors. Execution of these responsibilities and activities will be supported by close communication and coordination with the President, Executive Committee, Board of Directors, committee chairs, and administrative staff.
      2. Organizational Development, & Management: The EVP is responsible for day-to-day oversight and management of all staff activities to include establishing organizational structure and administrative policies and procedures.
      3. Financial: Coordinate ARS financial management with the Executive Committee, Treasurer, Audit Committee, and Board of Directors.
      4. Development & Fundraising: Oversee and coordinate activities related to fundraising and financial development to support the ARS mission and vision, and to ensure financial stability.
      5. Membership: Coordinate and oversee an effective program of membership development and membership services for the ARS.
      6. Committees: Coordinate, monitor, and assist activities of all ARS standing and ad hoc committees.
      7. Strategy & Leadership: Facilitate and maintain partnerships with outside organizations and key stakeholders to serve the ARS mission and vision.
      8. Communication: Ensure the Executive Committee and Board of Directors are informed of important ARS activities, including an annual report to the Board of Directors.
      9. Educational Programs: Assist in the coordination and provide administrative support to the ARS educational and scientific programs.
      10. Research Programs: Assist in the coordination and provide administrative support to the ARS research initiatives and programs.
      11. Intellectual Property: Provider oversight and development of intellectual property and related activities.
  3. Vice President of Development and Strategic Initiatives (VPDSI)
    1. The VPDSI shall be chair of the Development Committee.
    2. The VPDSI shall be responsible for interactions between the ARS and corporate partners.
    3. The VPDSI shall foster plans to increase development and fundraising of the ARS.
    4. The VPDSI manage all aspects of corporate and individual support and development for short- and long-term activities, in support of the EVP and ARS Leadership.
    5. The VPDSI will carry out additional strategic initiatives as directed by the EVP and ARS Leadership.
    6. Specific duties include but are not limited to the following:
      1. Direct the organization's efforts to secure support from corporate contributors at all levels, including major sponsorships, gifts in kind, cadaveric and demonstration programs, and others. The VPDSI will have routine frequent calls with each corporate supporter and associated corporate hierarchy.
      2. Responsible for annual revenue generation, corporate relationship management, and donor engagement.
      3. Provide leadership to the organization to strengthen the ARS’s position in the competitive development marketplace.
      4. Understand and contribute to the product development process and connect the interests of industry and the ARS.
      5. Target and create marketing portfolios specific to pharmaceutical corporate entities.
      6. Grow new relationships with corporate supporters in USA and internationally.
      7. Re-engage discontinued corporate supporters.
      8. Maintain Development Committee calendar.
      9. Present development committee board slides at all ARS Board Meetings.
      10.  Distribute monthly status reports of industry communication to the committee.
      11. Track the industry database.
      12. Track/update/report yearly fundraising commitments.
      13. Design promotional materials to increase awareness of the organization’s work, future programs and financial needs.
  4. President-Elect
    1. The President-Elect shall assist the President in whatever duties may be assigned by the President or the Board of Directors.
    2. Upon completion of the term of the President, the President-Elect shall become President of the Society.
    3. In the event of death or resignation or inability of the President to perform the duties of office, the President-Elect shall become President of the Society for an unexpired term and shall be eligible to serve in the same office for the following year.
    4. The President-Elect is the Program Committee Chairperson for the COSM & Annual Scientific meetings. He/She is responsible to assure Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) guidelines are met for the meeting and is responsible for planning the Society's COSM and Annual Scientific meetings.
    5. Members of the ad hoc program committee are selected and appointed by the President-Elect.
    6. The President-Elect shall designate two society members to serve as Consultant to the Board of Directors for a two-year term. There will be four Consultants at any one time.
  5. First Vice President
    1. The First Vice President shall perform such other duties as from time to time may be assigned by the President or by the Board of Directors.
    2. In the absence of the President and the President-Elect, or in the event of their inability or refusal to act, the First Vice President shall perform the duties of the President, and when so acting, shall have all the powers of and be subject to all the restrictions of the President.
    3. The First Vice President will become President-elect when the President’s term is completed.
    4. The First Vice President will serve as the chairperson for the Committee on Committees.
  6. Second Vice President
    1. The Second Vice President shall perform such other duties as from time to time may be assigned by the President or by the Board of Directors.
    2. The Second Vice President shall serve as an ex-officio member of the American Academy of Otolaryngology—Head & Neck Surgery Foundation's Committee on Rhinology and Paranasal Sinuses. This officer should contact the AAO-HNS and chair of this committee at the beginning of his/her term to establish the meeting schedule and expectations.
    3. In the absence of the President, President-Elect, and the First Vice President or in the event of their inability or refusal to act, the Second Vice President shall perform the duties of the President, and when so acting, shall have all the powers of and be subject to all the restrictions of the President. The second vice president would resign from any chair position of a standing committee in that case.
    4. At completion of his/her term the Second Vice President should no longer chair standing committees, so that the First Vice President, President-elect and the President should not chair any standing committees while holding these offices.
    5. The Second Vice President will become First Vice-President when the President’s term is completed.
    6. The Second Vice President will serve as a member of the Committee on Committees.
  7. Treasurer
    1. The Treasurer shall have charge and custody of, and be responsible for all funds and securities of the Society; receive and give receipts for moneys due and payable to the Society from any source whatsoever and deposit all such money in the name of the Society in such banks, trust companies or other depositories as shall be selected in accordance with the policies and procedures; and in general perform all the duties as from time to time may be assigned by the President or by the Board of Directors.
    2. The Treasurer shall make an annual financial report to the general membership.
    3. The Treasurer works closely with the Secretary and the President in development of an effective budget for the Society.
    4. The Treasurer oversees the administration of general funds, securities, properties, and assets of the Society.
    5. The Treasurer ensures accurate books of account are maintained and reports investments to the Executive Committee and attends meetings of the Audit Committee.
    6. The Treasurer presents a report to the general membership at the Society Business Meeting and performs other duties as assigned by the President.
    7. The Treasurer of the Society is allocated a budget of $3000 for the year for secretarial and other administrative functions.
  8. Secretary
    1. The Secretary shall review accurate meeting minutes of the members, the Board of Directors and Executive Committee on paper and on computer media and shall disseminate minutes within 6 weeks of the Board Meeting. Minutes to be kept by the Administrator.
    2. The Secretary shall perform all duties incident to the office of Secretary and such other duties as from time to time may be assigned to the Secretary by the President or the Board of Directors
    3. The Secretary shall serve as the ARS Society’s liaison to the Combined Otolaryngic Spring Meetings to represent our interests and needs in the organization and structure of that meeting
    4. The Secretary shall correspond with COSM and AAO-HNS Secretaries.
    5. The Secretary shall preside over the election to the nominating committee.
  9. ARS Administrator
    1. The Administrator shall see that all notices are duly given in accordance with the provisions of the Policies and Procedures or as required by law.
    2. The Administrator shall be custodian of the Society records and of the seal of the Society and see that the seal of the Society is affixed to all documents, the execution of which, on behalf of the Society under its seal is duly authorized in accordance with the provisions of the Policies and Procedures.
    3. The Administrator is responsible for maintaining Society membership lists with a register of the post office address of each member that shall be furnished to the Secretary by such members on computer media.
    4. The Administrator is responsible for mailing dues notices, and other duties in keeping with the general responsibilities of the office and other duties assigned by the President.
    5. The Administrator will take roll call of each BOD meeting and obtain and circulate disclosure statements from each Board member.
    6. The Administrator will present a rolling calendar and table of organization update at the beginning of each Board meeting as part of the agenda and subsequently submits this to the webmaster following the meeting. All new or changed items should be highlighted and approved at the Board meeting.
    7. The Administrator, with the assistance of the membership committee chairperson, shall report on the status of membership dues payments based on category of membership at each meeting of the BOD.
    8. The Administrator will also present a membership update to include the number of members in each category of membership at the outset of each BOD meeting. Next he/she will present the registration results of each of the last three Annual Fall and Annual Spring Meetings to include the membership status of the registrants. This information will also include a capsule summary of costs and revenues for these meetings. There also will be a brief presentation of the Fees Schedule for the Society showing membership charges and meeting registration fees.
    9. The Administrator will confirm/update the attendance report for the past 3 years at each meeting of the BOD.
    10. The Administrator organizes and disseminates via email BOD Agenda Books in advance each Annual, Spring and Winter BOD meeting.
    11. The Administrator will confirm eligibility of all proposed officers and committee members prior to their approval by the President.
    12. The Administrator is allocated a budget related to administrative staffing which needs to be approved at the annual meeting if greater than $3,000.
    13. The Administrator will assist where appropriate in the dissemination of information by the Research and Grant Committee announcing and promoting meetings, Society awards and Research Grant Award deadlines through mailings, journal advertisements and email, in conjunction with the IT Committee.
    14. The Administrator will arrange for meeting space for all societal meetings as well as arrange for appropriate audio-visual equipment.
    15. All Correspondence regardless of form shall carry the logo of this society.
    16. The Administrator is responsible to share vital information with all members of the Executive Committee, he/she shall update the Chair of the IT Committee when appropriate, as well as the Chair of the Newsletter.
    17. All material, property and equipment of the American Rhinologic Society shall be maintained by the administrator. Any material shall be made available to any members of the Society for medical research and education upon application to the Board of Directors.
  10. Immediate Past-President
    1. It is the Immediate Past-President’s responsibility, at the behest of the BOD, during the year following completion of his/her presidency to complete the project with a report to the ARS BOD.
    2. It is the duty of the Immediate Past President to bring this work to publication in the Journal of the Society.
    3. The ARS BOD Study Group is comprised of all voting members of the BOD and consultants of the ARS BOD. It will convene at least once during this Immediate Past-Presidency term and work toward the development of a consensus/evidence-based statements that properly reflect the current state of knowledge and practice of Rhinology.
    4. The term of the Immediate Past-President is one year.
  11. Education Coordinator
    1. In order to provide appropriate training and continuity of educational oversight, 1 year prior to transition of Education Coordinator leadership, the Nominating Committee will identify/nominate the Education Coordinator-Elect. The Education Coordinator-Elect will train with the active Education Coordinator for one year prior to assuming active leadership.
    2. Specific duties
      1. Oversee and prioritize education activities and resources of the ARS.
      2. Oversee the Chairs of 4 ARS committees that fall under the ARS Education umbrella:
        1. CME Committee
        2. Committee for Live/Ancillary Education Courses
        3. Online Education Committee
        4. Education Innovation Committee
      3. Oversee development, promotion, and evaluation of quality continuing professional development activities for the ARS.
      4. Utilize appropriate and innovative adult learning principles, tools, and technologies that promote effective lifelong learning.
      5. Regularly review, evaluate, and update/retire existing education products when appropriate based on participant evaluation and outcomes data.
      6. Develop new education products based on identified knowledge/care gaps, member needs, and best practices in education.
      7. Maintain and enhance compliance with the ACCME accreditation standards.
  12. Historian
    1. Candidates eligible for this position must have served as either a consultant member of the Board of Directors or as an Officer of the Society.
    2. Nominees for Historian may come from either the President, Executive Committee, BOD or the Committee on Committees.
    3. The Historian is elected and appointed by a majority vote of the Board of Directors at either its annual fall, winter or spring meetings.
    4. The Historian must maintain good standing within the Society to include compliance with dues and meeting attendance requirements.
    5. The Historian may attend meetings of the Board of Directors but may not vote at such meetings.
    6. The Historian will report all historical updates annually.
    7. The Historian will identify, maintain and store all important documents and artifacts of historical importance to the Society.
  13. Consultants to the Board of Directors
    1. Consultants are designated by the President-elect and serve a two-year term, which can be renewed only one time.
    2. Consultants to the Board may be present at Board Meetings, but do not have the right to vote.
  14. Board of Directors
    1. The business and affairs of the Society shall be managed by its Board of Directors.
    2. The Board of Directors shall have all powers and responsibilities conferred upon a non-profit corporation in the State of Illinois, as now, or hereafter amended, except as such powers or responsibilities may be limited by the Bylaws or Policies and Procedures of this Society.
  15. Terms of office
    1. The terms of office for the elected leadership shall be as follows:
      1. One year: President, President-elect,1st Vice President, 2nd Vice President, Immediate Past President
      2. Two years: Consultants to the Board of Directors
      3. Three years: Executive Vice President, Vice President of Development and Strategic Initiatives, Secretary, Treasurer, Historian, Members of the Board of Directors
      4. Four years: Education Coordinator
    2. No officer shall hold more than one office at a time.
    3. All officers may succeed themselves in office one time except for the Secretary, Treasurer, and Education Coordinator which are non-renewable positions.
  16. Removal from office
    1. Any officer or agent elected or appointed by the Board of Directors may be removed by the Board of Directors whenever, in its judgment, the best interests of the Society would be served thereby. Such removal shall be without prejudice to the contract rights, if any, of the person so removed.
  17. Vacancy
    1. A vacancy in any office, for any reason whatsoever, may be filled by the Board of Directors, for the unexpired portion of the term.


  1. The Society is a 501(c)(3) non-profit educational organization, which requires its members to pay dues which are non-tax-deductible. The annual dues rate shall be established by the Board of Directors and shall be payable in advance. Failure to pay dues may result in a member being dropped from the active membership roles.
  2. Annual dues are established by the Board of Directors and shall be payable in advance before January 1 of the upcoming calendar year.
  3. A dues notice will be sent to members on or around 15 October to remind them of their upcoming dues obligation.
  4. Dues must be before January 1 to get continuation of the Journal. Failure to pay by this date may cause the loss of one or more Journal issue.
  5. Members who do not pay dues by January 1 will be suspended.
  6. A reminder/late notice regarding dues payment will also be sent in January.
  7. A further second reminder/late notice will be sent in February.
  8. Members will be permanently removed from the Society roles if dues are not paid by the last day of March.
  9. Non-payment of dues is grounds for Society dismissal. The Board of Directors reviews each year’s list of delinquent members prior to the initiation of formal termination procedures.
  10. 1Delinquent members must pay non-member rates for all Society services, including meeting registration fees and publications.
  11. A letter will be sent to members whose dues are in arrears. They may be dropped from active membership after review by the Board at the winter Board of Directors meeting.
  12. Reduced on-line meeting rate registration (10%) will be available only to members whose dues are paid in full.


  1. American Rhinologic Society elections are held annually.
  2. Positions open for election on an annual basis are 2nd Vice President-Elect, and two At-Large Directors. Candidates for Secretary and Treasurer are nominated every 3 years. The Education Coordinator is nominated every 4 years.
  3. The nomination process of the Society is as follows:
    1. The Nominating Committee shall meet in March and formulate a slate of candidates including 2nd Vice President-Elect, two At-Large Directors, Secretary and Treasurer on years where their terms are complete, Education Coordinator one year before this person’s term is complete (to provide continuity and transition), and nominees for the following year’s Nominating Committee.
    2. The Nominating Committee will present the slate officer candidates to the Board of Directors and then the membership at the spring meeting.
    3. The slate will include a candidate for second vice-president, two fellows or members for the position of Director, and the nominees for the following year's Nominating Committee.
    4. Nominations may be made from the floor at the annual spring meeting.
    5. Elections will take place at the fall annual meeting and results will be announced at the Business meeting of the Membership. The candidates proposed will be published in the spring Newsletter of the Society and published on our Society website for 90 days.
    6. The Nominating Committee shall not propose or nominate members of its committee for elected positions within the Society.


  1. Composition
    1. The Board of Directors of the Society consists of the President, President-Elect, Immediate Past President,Executive Vice President, Vice President for Development and Strategic Initiatives, First Vice President, Second Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Education Coordinator, six elected At-Large Directors, all of whom have a vote in Society Meetings.
    2. There are two ex officio (non-voting) member of the ARS Board of Directors: 1) the chairperson of the Rhinology and Paranasal Sinus Surgery Committee of the American Academy of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery; 2) the editor of the Journal of the Society.
  2. Board Meetings
    1. The Board of Directors meets up to three times a year. Meetings are usually, but not exclusively, held in the spring associated with COSM, in the fall at the Annual meeting of the Society, and in December at the discretion of the President.
    2. The Annual Business Meeting, as well as the Board of Directors Meetings, shall be open to all Fellows/Members in good standing.
    3. Board Meetings may be closed to include only voting members, as defined in Section 6, by a majority vote of the Board of Directors.
  3. Agenda Items for BOD meetings
    1. Board members, committees, Society members and Staff submit suggested agenda items and accompanying materials at least three weeks before the meeting.
    2. Board agenda books containing the supporting information for agenda items and reports from various Board members are provided to all Board Members by email several days before the Board meeting by the EVP and ARS Administrator. Members are responsible for bringing their agenda material (E-books) to the BOD meetings.
  4. Governance
    1. All business of the Society shall be governed by the Current Edition of Sturgis Standard Code of Parliamentary Procedure in which they are not inconsistent with the Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws, special and standing rules, customary practices and procedures of the Society.
  5. Quorum
    1. Fifteen Members in good standing shall constitute a quorum of the general membership.
    2. Nine members of the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum.
  6. Board Reports
    1. It is expected that Society officers and Committee Chairpersons submit reports at the Annual fall and spring Board of Directors meetings.
    2. These reports should be submitted to the Administrator’s office at least three weeks prior to the meetings in standardized bullet form.
  7. Disclosure Policy
    1. At the beginning of each Board of Directors meeting, it is expected that each Director, Officer and Consultant sign a statement of disclosure notifying the Board of the individual’s interests as a consultant, advisory member, or grant recipient for corporations that may potentially be in conflict of interest to the Society.
  8. Qualifications for the office of Executive Vice-President (EVP).
    1. Membership in the American Rhinologic Society at fellow level.
    2. Demonstrated success in strategic decision-making, leadership, and operational management at a senior level in a complex organizational environment.
    3. A deep commitment to the mission of the Society and ability to thrive in a culture of a deeply engaged membership organization.
    4. A strong familiarity, ideally based on prior experience, with the operations, culture, and vision of the Society.
    5. Experience working with Executive Officers, Boards, and Committees of an organization.
    6. Proven ability to work cooperatively with staff, colleagues, and a wide array of people in a management capacity.
    7. Experience in successfully managing, motivating, and developing staff within an organization.
    8. Excellent communication, written, verbal, and organization skills.
    9. Should possess business, organizational, fiscal knowledge, and analytical skills necessary to help identify current or emerging issues of importance to the Society.
    10. Must possess superb interpersonal skills and capacity, which enable him/her to function in a collaborative fashion and interact effectively with Society leadership and staff.
    11. The EVP must re-apply and be chosen through this selection process in order to succeed themselves in office for a second term.


  1. Committee Leadership
    1. Each standing committee will have a chairperson, who will be nominated by the Committee on Committees and presented to the ARS Board of Directors. If approved by the Board, the candidate will be submitted to the President of the ARS for approval. If approved the President will appoint the committee chairperson.
    2. The Chairperson must be a member in good Society standing and current with dues.
    3. The term of appointment for the chairperson shall be for a period of three years, which may be renewable once, or until requested by the chairperson or the President to resign from that position, except in the cases of the Audit Committee Chair, or the Ethics Committee Chair, which will require a majority vote from the Board of Directors.
    4. Chairpersons are expected to attend the annual spring, fall and winter Board meetings to report their committee's activities to the Board. If the Chairperson cannot attend a representative from his/her committee should attend to make the presentation.
    5. If a chairperson is elected to a position as Officer of the Society, he should tender his resignation as committee chairperson.
  2. Committee Membership
    1. Committee membership will be open to all members by an online application process.
    2. Committee members must be in good standing and current with dues in the Society.
    3. The Committee on Committees will consider the applications, appoint applicants to appropriate vacant positions, and submit to the ARS Board of Directors.
    4. Those applicants approved by the Board will be submitted to the President who will appoint new committee members.
    5. In addition to a Chairperson, each standing committee of the Society shall have at least two other members serving on the committee for continuity.
    6. Committee appointments are a three-year term. At least one new committee member will be appointed to each committee yearly. Committees will be composed of at least three society members, with one member serving as chairperson. Committee members must attend 2 of 3 meetings each year.
    7. Committee member may be re-appointed to a second consecutive term.
    8. The chairperson should comment at spring meeting on activity of each member, with non-participating members subject to removal.
    9. The committee members should serve three-year terms with the expiration of terms being rotated over three years for continuity.
    10. Residents and fellows in training may be appointed to committee positions or to audit positions.
    11. Each member of a non-standing committee shall continue as such until the next annual meeting of the members of the Society, or until a successor is appointed, or may be reappointed, unless the committee shall be dissolved, or unless each member is removed from such committees, or unless such member shall cease to qualify as a member thereof.
    12. The Board of Directors by an affirmative vote of two-thirds of all of the members of the Board may suspend or expel a committee member for cause after an appropriate hearing.
    13. Announcement related to committee membership will be noted in the Society Newsletter and on the Society Website.
  3. Vacancies
    1. Vacancies in committee membership should be filled as they are vacated, as outlined above.
    2. The President shall appoint new committee members. Committee nominations will be approved once the nominees’ membership standing is confirmed through the Secretary’s office
  4. Quorum
    1. Unless otherwise provided in the resolution of the Board of Directors designating a committee, a majority of the whole committee shall constitute a quorum (7) and the act of a majority of the members present at a meeting at which a quorum is present shall be the act of the committee.
  5. Rules
    1. Each committee may adopt rules for its own government consistent with these Bylaws, and subject to the approval of the Board of Directors.
  6. General Duties of Committees
    1. Each committee shall submit a detailed written report to the Board at either the fall or spring meetings as well as a brief presentation to the Society. Each committee shall also submit a summary of the report to the Society Newsletter and website.
    2. The report shall be prepared by each committee's chairperson or designee. The ARS Board of Directors may charge a committee with a project and require interim progress reports.


  1. CME Committee
    1. The CME Committee falls under the leadership of the Education Coordinator, but also has an individual Committee Chairperson.
    2. Duties
      1. To assist the Society, the Education Coordinator, and the Program Committee in program planning and monitoring
      2. To monitor program survey
      3. To evaluate program quality
      4. To assist the ARS Administration for yearly CME surveys and program accreditation
    3. Responsibilities
      1. Report to the Education Coordinator
      2. Collect program survey and tabulate participant responses.
      3. Distribute collected meeting survey to Program Committee for use in program development.
      4. To coordinate the filing of individual program materials to meet ACCME requirements. The program materials include advertisement, announcements, program schedule, budget, survey, actual meeting program and time lines.
      5. To establish and revise CME & ARS mission statements.
      6. To review program and participant responses using them to develop needs assessment.
      7. To prepare the ARS Case Study necessary for accreditation working with the ARS EVP and ARS coordinator.
      8. To discuss ACCME requirement and meeting essentials at ARS Board meetings with review of last meeting for quality and improvement in future meetings.
      9. To ensure compliance with ACCME rules/regulations
      10. To review evaluations from each live CME meeting to look for/address any concerns from an ACCME standpoint (i.e. bias, conflict of interest with industry)
  2. Live and Ancillary Education Course Committee
    1. The Live and Ancillary Education Course Committee falls under the leadership of the Education Coordinator, but also has an individual Committee Chairperson.
    2. The Live and Ancillary Education Course Committee shall make available and to disseminate scientific information by way of live courses, seminars, lectures, exhibits, and dissections, etc.
      1. The Live and Ancillary Education Course Committee is responsible for working with the Education Coordinator and President Elect on the design of the educational programs at the Annual Meeting and Spring Meeting of the Society in conjunction with the Program Committee. All instruction courses are designed or implemented under this committee.
      2. This Committee is responsible for the Annual Fellows Course, in conjunction with the course directors and Education Coordinator.
      3. This Committee is responsible for any dissection courses (resident and international dissections, etc.) at the Fall/Annual Meeting along with the course directors and Education Coordinator.
      4. This Committee works with the President-Elect/Program Chair to evaluate live meetings and ensure continuity year-to-year along with the Education Coordinator.
      5. The Chairperson of this Committee will also serve as a representative to the CME Committee to set up the guidelines for accreditation.
  3. Online Education Committee
    1. The Online Education Committee falls under the leadership of the Education Coordinator, but also has an individual Committee Chairperson.
    2. The Online Education Committee shall make available and to disseminate scientific information by way of online courses, seminars, lectures, and educational material, etc.
      1. This Committee is responsible for Virtual Rhinology (content, program, speakers), along with the Education Coordinator.
      2. This Committee is responsible for educational webinars, seminars, lectures, and live online educational functions of the Society, along with the Education Coordinator.
      3. This Committee is responsible for educational content on Society website.
      4. The Chairperson of this Committee will also serve as a representative to the CME Committee to set up the guidelines for accreditation.
  4. Education Innovation Committee
    1. The Education Innovation Committee falls under the leadership of the Education Coordinator, but also has an individual Committee Chairperson.
      1. Responsible for considering, implementing, and evaluating educational innovations at meetings.
      2. Works with President-Elect and future meeting planners on implementation of new innovations for fall meeting and spring/COSM meeting. 3. Works with SSS directors for SSS meeting.
  5. Audit Committee
    1. Purpose: The audit committee shall assist the ARS Board of Directors in fulfilling its statutory and fiduciary responsibility to provide oversight of the company's financial accounting, reporting and controls. Audit Committee principal functions include: monitoring the periodic reviews of the accounting and financial reporting processes and systems of internal control; determining the need and oversee the hiring of independent external auditors; reviewing and evaluating the independence and performance of such independent external auditors; and monitoring the Society compliance with legal and regulatory requirements.
    2. Membership: The membership of the Audit Committee shall follow the requirements of the Society bylaws. Members of the committee shall remain independent of the American Rhinologic Society and not accept any consulting, advisory, or other compensatory fee or any employment from the American Rhinologic Society. Members can be appointed for successive terms. At least one member, preferably the Chair of the Committee, shall have accounting and/or financial expertise as defined by the Board or obtain appropriate training in these areas within a year of appointment. The Chair of the Audit Committee shall preside over Audit Committee meetings, and his/her designee shall serve in the Chair’s absence.
    3. Duties and Responsibilities
      1. Integrity of Financial Reporting: Review and approve the annual financial statements of the Society and any audit reports produced evaluating such financial statements. Review annually with the Treasurer the quality of the Society accounting principles and clarity and completeness of the financial statements. Review with the Treasurer and provide a report detailing financial, regulatory, and other compliance risks facing the Society to be provided to the Board of Directors. Perform and determine the adequacy and completeness of any internal audits and decide on the need for an independent external audit. As a policy, the Audit Committee shall perform an independent external audit every 5 years, unless annual revenues exceed 1 million dollars, in which case the audit committee shall perform an independent external audit annually. Exceptions to this policy may be made by the Chair of the Audit Committee with approval from the Treasurer. Discuss with the treasurer, board of directors, and/or independent auditors any significant difficulties encountered during the course of an audit, any restrictions on the scope of work or access to required information, and any significant disagreements between management and any independent auditors in connection with preparing any financial statements. Review and determine the accuracy, adequacy and completeness of any filings to the Internal Revenue Service by or on behalf of the Society. Review with the treasurer and/or the Board of Directors any significant financial risks or exposures to the Society and assess the steps management has taken or will take to mitigate such risks or exposures.
      2. Overseeing the External Audit Process: Be directly responsible for the appointment, compensation, oversight, and retention of the Society independent external auditor. Evaluate the qualifications and performance of the independent auditors. The independent auditors shall report directly to the Audit Committee. Assess the independence of any independent external auditors and discuss any relationships disclosed that may impact auditor objectivity and independence. The Audit Committee or its Chair shall have authority to hire external auditors with funds not in excess of $20,000 per year. If funds in excess of $20,000 per year are required, the chair will seek approval from the Treasurer or a majority from the Board of Directors.
      3. The independent auditor shall not provide the following services for the Society:
        1. Bookkeeping
        2. Financial information systems design, implementation or operation
        3. Appraisal or valuation services
        4. Internal auditing outsourcing services
        5. Management functions or human resources
        6. Broker or dealer, investment advisor, or investment banking services
        7. Legal services or expert services unrelated to the audit
        8. Other services that would violate the U.S. General Accounting Office Independence Standard
      4. Establish procedures for the receipt and proper adjudication of complaints received by the Society regarding accounting, internal accounting, or auditing matters.
      5. Review and assess the adequacy of informational security procedures administered by the Information Technology committee.
      6. Obtain reports concerning any financial fraud resulting in losses in excess of $10,000 or involving a member of the Board of Directors.
      7. Review and assess the adequacy of the Audit Committee policies and procedures and by-laws in regards to the Audit Committee and recommend any changes to the Board of Directors.
      8. Review and assess the adequacy of any policies and procedures of the Society in respect to compliance with applicable federal, state, and/or local laws
    4. Resources and Authority: The Audit Committee is empowered to investigate any matter brought to its attention with full access to all books, records, facilities, and personnel of the Society. The Committee may engage and retain independent counsel and other advisors as it determines necessary to carry out its duties with the approval of the President of the Society and/or the Ethics Committee Chair.
    5. Meeting: The Audit Committee will meet at least annually. The Audit Committee shall maintain written and/or electronic mail copies of its internal workings, which will be filed with the Administrator of the American Rhinologic Society. Reports of all committee work shall be made to the Board of Directors. The Audit Committee may request any officer, employee, outside counsel or independent auditor to attend a meeting of the Audit Committee or to meet with any members of, or consultants to, the Audit Committee.
  6. Awards Committee
    1. The duties of the awards committee shall be to work in conjunction with the IT Committee, The Newsletter Committee and the Secretary to promote and maintain the Rhinology Research Award (basic science and clinical), The Maurice H. Cottle Honor Award, and the International Rhinology Research Award.
    2. This committee is responsible for defining the deadlines for and methods of manuscript submission.
    3. The Awards Committee shall review all papers submitted and considered for annual awards offered by the Society, as approved by the Board of Directors, and as listed below.
    4. The Awards Committee shall select the winner for each award, to be presented to the Board, prior to its announcement at the spring and fall meetings. The awards it will assign are the Rhinology Research Award, The Maurice H. Cottle Honor Award, and the International Rhinology Research Award. The results of these will be supplied immediately to the President, President-elect, Secretary, IT Committee Chair, and Newsletter editor.
    5. The Awards Committee will be responsible for providing monthly electronic mail reminders to authors of papers accepted for Society meeting programs to submit their papers for consideration of Society awards.
    6. The Chair of the Awards committee, along with the EVP and ARS administrator, shall maintain correspondence with past officers of this society and winners of the Golden Head Mirror Award. The Chair will serve as a liaison with them and facilitate their involvement in the American Rhinologic Society functions.
  7. Bylaws Committee
    1. The Bylaws Committee shall review and revise the Bylaws and Policies and Procedures as directed by the Board of Directors.
    2. The Bylaws and Policies and Procedures are the governing documents of the Society. They set forth official policies on a variety of issues ranging from membership in the Society to the authority of the Board of Directors.
    3. From time to time, internal and external forces call for revisio ns to the Bylaws and Policies and Procedures, at which time the Bylaws committee will recommend amendments. The By-Laws Committee is responsible for developing and maintaining revisions and amendments of these documents.
  8. Information Technology Committee
    1. The duties of the Information Technology Committee include:
      1. Coordination of all Society activities on the Internet, including the Society's public web pages and member-only web pages.
      2. Oversight of vendor services for the Society's Internet activities.
      3. Policy development for the Society's Internet activities (subject to review by the Board of Directors).
      4. Coordination of the Society's administration activities through the Society's customized web applications (including member records, dues administration, abstract submission and review, and meeting registration)
      5. Maintenance of a Society "IT Manual" that summarizes the functions of the Society's customized web applications.
      6. Review and coordination of other issues related to information technology.
      7. Other functions assigned the Committee by the Board of Directors.
      8. The Chairperson of this committee will also serve as the Information Technology Officer. This officer shall report to the Board at its regular meetings and will manage the budget allocated for information technology activities. The information technology officer is responsible for the Society's day-to-day internet activities, whereas the committee, under the leadership of the chairperson, is responsible for the overall, long-term strategy for the Society's internet activities.
      9. The Information Technology Committee will have an annual budget approved by the BOD.
      10. The Chairman of the Information Technology committee will ensure that all electronic messages sent by the Society are reviewed and approved by two Society officers, and that a log is kept with a copy of the original message.
  9. Membership Committee
    1. The duties of the Membership Committee include:
      1. Actively recruit new members
      2. Review and approve applicants for Society membership in all categories
      3. All credentialing for new applicants, including Fellow members, will be performed by the Membership Committee in accordance with Section 2 of the Policy and Procedures. The Membership Committee shall review and certify Fellowship eligibility and submit the list of new applicants to the Board for consideration of election to the Society
      4. The Membership Committee Chairperson shall coordinate review of applications by Committee members and will notify the Secretary when applicants have been approved.
      5. Assist in maintaining existing membership
      6. Assess membership needs through instruments such as questionnaires or other methods suggested by the Board, and communicate the members needs to the Board.
      7. Seek new ways to add value to Membership.
      8. Mail “call for papers” for the fall and spring meetings to the Chairs of Otolaryngology department with Otolaryngology Training Programs approximately 3 months in advance of the abstract deadlines that are in the spring and fall of each year. This mailing will include an announcement for Awards and Grants available through this Society.
      9. Conduct a semi-annual mailing to all residency program directors requesting assistance with resident recruitment to our society.
      10. The Membership Committee Chairperson shall be a member of the Newsletter Committee.
  10. Newsletter Committee
    1. The duties of the Newsletter committee are to coordinate and manage the Newsletter functions of the Society. The Chairperson of the Education Committee and the Membership Committee will be members of the Newsletter Committee.
  11. Patient Advocacy Committee
    1. The responsibilities of the Patient Advocacy Committee are to design, coordinate and implement programs dedicated to the resolution of issues pertaining to rhinologic patient care and the membership of the Society. The Patient Advocacy Committee shall serve as a vehicle to help patients when insurance companies restrict reimbursement to such a degree that it threatens Society members from being able to sustain proper care of their patients.
  12. Research and Grants Committee
    1. The duties of the Research Committee shall be the fostering and directing of research related to rhinologic problems. The Research committee coordinates the research efforts of the Society. Awarding research grants, formulating clinical trials, and conducting ongoing research and outcome studies all fall under the domain of the research committee. The Research Committee shall work with the Coordinator for Corporate Affairs in the granting of research funds for individual projects. All grant recipients must be members of the American Rhinologic Society. The Society requires grant recipients to present the results of their research at the Society Annual Meeting. The chairperson of this committee or his/her delegate is required to attend the Centralized Otolaryngology Research Efforts (C.O.R.E.) meetings
  13. Ethics Committee
    1. The Ethics Committee shall be responsible for providing the Society a means for deliberation and preparation of ethical issues. The duties and responsibilities of the Ethics Committee include:
      1. Prospectively review the Society’s documents and statements regarding guidance for conflict of interest when interacting with industry.
      2. Participate in the development, review and revision of the ethical aspects of the Society’s policies.
      3. Participate with members of the Society to address ethical issues pertaining to patient care, interaction with industry, and professionalism.
      4. Report and make recommendations to the Executive Board of the Society pertaining to ethical matters that may arise regarding new medical or surgical therapies in the treatment of sinonasal disease.
      5. Promote the Society’s mission of advancing the scientific and ethical practice of Rhinology.
  14. Resident and Fellow’s Committee
    1. The charge of the Resident and Fellow’s Committee is to represent the interests of Otolaryngology—Head and Neck Surgery residents and Rhinology fellows in the American Rhinologic Society.
    2. The goals of the committee include: generating interest in rhinology amongst residents, increase resident membership, educate residents and fellows in rhinology, offer information on practice opportunities and fellowships, and provide a forum for social interactions amongst residents and fellows at the meetings.
    3. The committee will also serve as a bridge between the resident and fellow’s membership and the other Society committees and the board.
    4. Committee membership will consist of a chair and 9 members. The committee member terms will be 3 years and new members will be appointed as chief residents. Each member will serve a 3 year term starting at the fall meeting. Members will be selected based on interest in committee participation as well as interest in pursuing further education in rhinology.
  15. Marketing Committee
    1. The charge of the Marketing committee will be to market the society as a whole. This will include meetings, membership, and any other areas deemed to fall under the purveyance of enhancing the visibility and reputation of the society.
    2. The committee will maintain the social media platforms deemed necessary by the Committee and Board. The Committee will be assisted by the ARS administrative staff for monitoring the social media outlets for relevant material.
    3. The committee will be chaired by a former member of this committee or a current/previous Board of Directors member.
    4. The committee will be composed of the chairs of the following committees: membership, information technology, residents/fellows, newsletter, and international. These members will serve a term that coincides with their chairmanship of their respective committees. Additional members of the committee are the President-Elect, one administrator, and two members-at-large. It will report directly to the Executive Vice-President and the President of the society.
  16. Mentorship Committee
    1. The duties of the Mentorship Committee shall be to consolidate and oversee all mentorship activities within the Society. The duties and responsibilities of the Mentorship Committee include:
      1. Coordinate all mentorship activities of the organization under the umbrella ARS Mentorship Program. Work closely with other Society committees including but not limited to the Research and Grants Committee, Residents/Fellows Committee, and the Women in Rhinology Section to foster implementation of these interests.
      2. Evaluate the effectiveness of the ARS Mentorship Program and implement changes based on feedback from other committees and sections. Identify novel areas or avenues for mentorship activities within the Society.
      3. Develop/Coordinate a Mentorship program for Residents/Fellows interested in rhinology and allergy.
      4. Promote the Society mission of mentoring and growing the next generation of leaders within our subspecialty in Otolaryngology
      5. Membership in umbrella ARS Mentorship Committee will include the Women in Rhinology Section Mentorship Chair and at least one member each from the Residents and Fellows Committee and Research/Grants Committee.
  17. International Liason Committee
    1. The International Committee will represent the Society’s international members and those interested in international affairs.
    2. The committee will act as an advocate for non-U.S. members to the Society Board of Directors and staff.
    3. The committee will serve in an advisory position to the Society Board of Directors and staff on the development of international programs, including any international meetings.
    4. The committee will develop programs to recruit international members and broaden the Society involvement in foreign countries.
    5. The International Committee will provide oversight on the administration of any international “adhoc committees” that may be formed to address specific international member issues or needs.
  18. Pediatric Rhinology Committee
    1. The Pediatric Rhinology Committee will represent the Society’s members who treat pediatric patients with rhinologic and paranasal sinus diseases such as chronic sinusitis and allergy.
    2. The committee will serve in an advisory position to the Society Board of Directors and staff on the development of research, educational programs, courses and meetings that serve to advance knowledge in Pediatric Rhinology.
    3. The committee will develop programs to promote collaboration with pediatric medical societies such as the American Society of Pediatric Otolaryngology (ASPO) and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP).
  19. Diversity and Inclusion Committee
    1. The Diversity and Inclusion Committee will work to fulfill the ARS mission of promoting the contributions of members regardless of their age, ethnicity, gender, race, disability status, economic circumstances, religion or sexual orientation.
    2. The committee will actively work to improve the inclusion and participation of diverse members at all levels, including committees and leadership, as well as educational offerings and research support.
    3. The committee will work to advance culturally competent patient care and research and the role of diversity in the ARS membership to further these efforts.


  1. Executive Committee
    1. The Executive Committee shall be responsible for all non-policy day-to-day operations of the Society.
    2. The Executive Committee shall be responsible for organizing the Nominating Committee each year.
    3. Candidates for the member-at-large and BOD can be recommended by any regular voting member of the Society to the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee will present up to three names in each category for a closed vote by the Board of Directors. The member-at large and the Director are voted upon at the Fall meeting by the Board of Directors.
  2. Committee on Committees
    1. The Committee on Committees shall be composed of the First Vice-President, who serves as chairperson, the Immediate Past-President, the Second Vice-President, the EVP, and the Diversity officer.
    2. The committee shall review the charges of committees, recommend committee chairs and committee members to the President and Board of Directors, solicit and review annual reports of committee activities, report activities of the committees to the Board of Directors, evaluate the product of the committees, assess the need for new or expanded committees and propose to the Board elimination of committees as mandated in the Bylaws.
    3. The committee will solicit consultation of current committee chair prior to appointing next chair and committee members. This process will begin with solicitation of volunteers from the general ARS membership, starting no later than March 1 and extending through the spring meeting.
    4. New Chair appointees will ideally be a current member of the committee or have special skills in the committee charge in order to improve continuity and to reward committee member productivity.
  3. Nominating Committee
    1. The Nominating Committee shall consist of as follows:
      1. Immediate Past President (Committee Chair)
      2. Board Member at large, selected by outgoing past president
      3. FARS member at large, selected by outgoing past president
      4. FARS member at large, selected by vote of membership
      5. FARS member at large, selected by vote of membership
      6. Diversity Officer, non-voting
      7. Executive Vice President, non-voting
    2. A call for nominations will go out to the general membership in the spring of each calendar year. To be nominated for a position on the Nominating committee, a member must be have FARS status, and submit a letter of interest of no more than a 250-word. essay describing qualifications and aspirations. The membership shall vote over the summer for the two positions. This election will be supervised by the secretary and positions announced during the fall meeting. Therefore, the nominating committee will be filled by the end of the fall meeting.
    3. The Nominating Committee will convene over the fall and winter to produce a slate of nominees for consideration and shall present its report (to include the proposed slate of officers) at the annual spring meeting to the Board of Directors and the broader membership.
    4. Nominations may be made from the floor at the annual spring meeting.
    5. The Officers and Directors shall be elected at the annual fall meeting, and shall take office at the conclusion of the last ARS sponsored function during the annual fall meeting.
  4. Program Committee
    1. The duties of the Program Committee shall be to make all the arrangements and provisions of the scientific Society meetings as outlined below in Section 15 .
    2. The presentation of all programs of the Society shall be planned and executed by the Program Committee. This committee shall have the power to arrange select, and provide the scientific programs of this society.
    3. The Program Committee is comprised of the President-Elect (as chair), Secretary, President, First Vice-President, the Education Coordinator, the Chair of the Live and Ancillary Education Courses Committee, the Chair of the CME Committee, and members of the ad hoc Abstract Committee.
    4. Members of the ad hoc Abstract Committee are recommended by the President-elect, to the President and BOD at either the annual or winter BOD meeting where they are to be voted upon. COSM Abstract Committee members are appointed at the Annual BOD meeting in the preceding year. Annual Meeting Abstract committee is appointed at the winter BOD earlier the same year. Abstract Committee members must be members of the Society. It is the responsibility of the President-Elect to assure that his/her Abstract Committee members are voting members of the Society in good standing.
    5. The Program Committee shall meet one year prior to the planned annual meetings in order plan adequately for the educational events and to plan for panel discussions and the like.
    6. The Program Committee may spend up to $3,500 for invitations for each of the scientific meetings (fall annual meeting and spring COSM meeting).
    7. Guidelines for Scientific Presentations: Papers that are presented at the national meetings of the American Rhinologic Society, either at the fall annual meeting; or the spring meeting, are expected to be submitted for publication in the journal of the Society (IFAR), , except when permission for manuscript exemption has been obtained.
    8. All manuscripts are to be presented to the President-Elect (Program Chair) in full and complete form at the time of their delivery, for future publication in the International Forum of Allergy & Rhinology (IFAR) or any other organ of the Society. All oral abstract presentations at the annual and spring meeting require submission of a paper at the time of their presentation. If a manuscript is not received prior to presentation, all manuscript authors are prohibited from oral abstract presentations at Society meetings for 2 years.
    9. These papers shall become the property of the Society. They will not be read at the time of the presentation but will be delivered in lecture form. Any visual aids and exhibits in the form of drawings, specimens or photographs, charts or slides may be used to clarify and enhance the scientific value of such presentations.
    10. Presenters at Society meetings may request an exemption from the rule outlined below in Section 16, which specifies that all manuscripts must be submitted to the journal of the Society (IFAR). Authors must formally request the exemption at the time of abstract submission. Requests must include: contact information for the senior author and ARS member, the title and impact factor of the external journal to which the manuscript will be submitted. The external journal must be outside of the Otorhinolaryngology subject area, with an impact factor higher than the current IFAR impact factor.  This exemption is intended for high-level research that would be suitable for a broader audience. A completed manuscript and confirmation of submission to the external journal must be provided by the manuscript deadline date for the specific meeting at which this abstract will be presented. If the submitted manuscript is rejected by the external journal, the author may re-submit to another external journal as long as the same criteria are met. If the author(s) wishes to re-submit to a journal in the subject area of Otorhinolaryngology, and/or a journal with an impact factor less than or equal to IFAR, then the manuscript would be required to be preferentially submitted to IFAR. Special or unique considerations not addressed here may be discussed with and adjudicated by the chair of the Research and Grants Committee in accordance with good faith for the effective dissemination of research.
    11. Satellite Symposia: The Program Committee, in conjunction with the Development Committee and/or VPDSI, is responsible for overseeing any symposia that may be sponsored by the Society during the annual or spring meetings. These programs should be included as functions of the Society with CME credits offered to the attendees.
    12. The committee is responsible for contacting the authors of the leading 5-10 abstracts to notify them that their abstract was considered highly and that they should consider submitting their abstract in time for the deadlines to be eligible to win either the Rhinology Research Award or the Cottle Award. These names and titles should be forwarded to the Awards Committee Chair.
    13. The Program Committee will submit all expenses for Society meetings and Scientific Sessions to the Secretary’s office.
    14. The Program Committee chair will review all abstracts for conflicts of interest and refer potential conflicts to the CME committee chair.
    15. The Program Committee will provide within the Meeting Program Book conflict of interest information (New Standards for Commercial Support) required by the ACCME, in coordination with the CME committee recommendations.
  5. Investment Committee
    1. The society should have an Investment Committee comprised of the Society Treasurer, Second Vice-President, and a member at large.
    2. The Treasurer will Chair this committee and will be responsible for presenting a written report of investment decisions and activity, made on behalf of the Society, to the Board of Directors at the spring, fall and winter Board meetings.
    3. The purpose or charge of this committee is to monitor and oversee the society investments and investment strategy, report significant developments to the Board and make recommendations for short and long-term investment strategies.
    4. The Chairman of the Audit Committee will serve as a non-voting member of the Investment Committee and perform oversight and regulatory functions as governed by the approved rules of the Audit Committee.
  6. Development Committee
    1. The committee establishes relationships between the Society and corporate sponsors for programs, meetings and other Society interests including research funding and website sponsorship.
    2. Funds solicited and received through this committee shall be earmarked for educational and research programs sponsored by the Society.
    3. This committee will have an educational funds arm and residual monies from corporate sponsoring will be placed into this fund.
  7. Rhinology Training Council
    1. The Rhinology Training Council (RTC) was created to advise the Society Board on a set of criteria that a program would need to meet to provide high quality training in Advanced Rhinology and Neurorhinology. Such criteria would ensure uniform and comprehensive training across those programs that offer training in advanced rhinologic and neurorhinologic surgeries.
    2. Protocol for establishing RTC members
      1. The Rhinology Training Council is an ARS select committee made up of ten ARS members, five that are fellowship trained but are not affiliated with rhinology fellowship programs and five that are affiliated with rhinology fellowship programs. There is a chairperson, not affiliated with a fellowship program, that is appointed by the ARS BOD. The ARS President as well as the ARS Fellowship Committee chair are ex officio, non-voting members.
      2. The fellowship program representatives are elected by the Fellowship Committee. The non-fellowship affiliated representatives on the committee are nominated by the ARS president and approved by the ARS BOD.
      3. RTC members will serve a three-year term with the potential for one renewal. When an individual’s term is about to end, the chair of the RTC will confirm their willingness to serve a second term. If they are willing, then the RTC chair will re-nominate them to the BOD or to the fellowship committee for non-fellowship affiliated and fellowship affiliated members, respectively.
      4. If a non-fellowship affiliated RTC member becomes affiliated with a fellowship during that individual’s RTC term, said individual must resign their position on the RTC and the BOD must nominate a new member to finish out that person’s term.
    3. Organizational Structure and Reporting
      1. The RTC reports to the BOD of the ARS. Final authority and responsibility for all training issues is retained by the BOD of the ARS. The RTC will review the applications, oversee the Interviews of the fellowship programs, and make recommendations to the ARS BOD. The BOD will make the final decisions on the standing of a program.
    4. Approved Program Application Process
      1. Interested programs will complete an application. The application will include a written application form, program goals and objectives, evaluation templates, a nonrefundable application fee of $2000, and affirmation that the program will be compliant with common program requirements and agree to stipulated terms as outlined in the application. The application fee will be used to help offset the administrative costs of overseeing the fellowships.
      2. Every program must apply and must pay the application fee (i.e. no “grandfathering” of programs).
      3. The initial application and approval process will be a 2-year process. This will allow all programs to complete an application and all program personnel to be interviewed.
      4. The application will be reviewed, discussed and the RTC will vote on the program. RTC members must recuse themselves from reviewing and voting on their own programs, or programs with which they have been affiliated within the past (i.e. for training). Programs will require a 2/3 majority “yes” vote to be forwarded to the ARS BOD for a vote. All programs that receive a majority vote in their favor by the BOD will be granted “Provisional Approval Contingent Upon Program Interview” (hereinafter “Provisional Approval”).
      5. Those programs that do not get Provisional Approval will be given a written report outlining their strengths and weaknesses and areas of concern.
      6. Programs not attaining Provisional Approval will be allowed to appeal the decision directly to the BOD.
      7. Provisional Approval will be for a 2-year period during which a Program Interview will be scheduled.
      8. Following the Program Interview, the RTC will vote on the program. As previously noted, RTC members must recuse themselves from voting on their own programs or programs with which they have been affiliated with in the past. Programs will require a 2/3 majority “yes” vote to be forwarded to the ARS BOD for a vote. All programs that receive a majority vote in their favor by the BOD will be granted “Full Approval”.
      9. Programs that do not get Full Approval will be given a written report outlining their strengths and weaknesses and areas of concern.
      10. Programs not obtaining Full Approval will be allowed to appeal the decision directly to the BOD.
      11. Upon failure to obtain Full Approval, programs will lose their Provisional Approval and be required to begin the process anew with a new application, application fee, etc. if they desire an ARS Approved NeuroRhinology – Advanced Rhinology fellowship.
      12. All graduates after July 1, 2020 will be from an “ARS Approved NeuroRhinology – Advanced Rhinology Fellowship”. There will be no retrospective “ARS Approved” fellowship status to programs or graduates.
      13. Programs will then be granted approval for up to 5 years in duration based on any citations stemming from the Program Interview.
      14. Programs will pay $500 with every renewal to maintain approval. This fee will be used to help offset the administrative costs of assessing and overseeing the fellowships.
    5. Subsequent Applications
      1. Applications are due yearly on July 1. Applications received after July 1 will be included in the following year’s application cycle deadline.
      2. The RTC will have up to two years review the application, grant Provisional Approval Contingent Upon Program Interview, schedule a Program Interview, and grant or deny Full Approval.
    6. Common Program Requirements
      1. Program Director
        1. All fellowship programs must have a single, dedicated fellowship program director (PD) with authority and accountability for the operation of the program. The PD must be a fellow of the ARS and be in good standing with the ARS. The PD must have a valid, unrestricted, medical license and appropriate hospital privileges. The PD must have at least 5 years of clinical experience beyond their final year of training at the time of application submission. The PD must administer and maintain an educational environment conducive to educating fellows. The PD must ensure availability of all personnel for effective fellowship administration. They must also ensure adequate resources are available for the fellows. The PD is responsible for ensuring the requirements of the RTC are met and for providing the required, as well as any additional requested, documentation to the RTC.
      2. Case Logs
        1. Fellowships will be required to submit two years’ worth of case logs for past fellows, OR two years of faculty case logs in the setting of new fellowships, to ensure an adequate number of neurorhinologic and advanced rhinological procedures.
      3. Curriculum and Goals and Objectives
        1. All fellowships must develop a written curriculum as well as written goals and objectives for the trainees. The curriculum must contain overall goals for the program, regularly scheduled didactics/conferences and delineation of fellow responsibilities for patient care and management.
    7. Evaluation of faculty, programs and trainees
      1. All fellowships must develop written evaluations for twice yearly evaluation of the trainees by faculty. The timing of these evaluations is at the discretion of the programs, however, must be done at least twice during the fellowship year. Faculty must evaluate fellow performance in a timely manner, providing objective assessment of competence in patient care and surgical skills. Evaluations of the trainees must be made available during the Program Interview as well as for any renewal applications.
      2. All fellowships must develop written evaluations for yearly evaluation of the program and faculty by the trainees. Fellows must have the opportunity to evaluate the faculty as well as the program confidentially and in writing at least once annually. This evaluation must be sent directly and confidentially to the RTC. This has 3 components: Evaluation of the Program, evaluation of the Faculty, and a record of Operative Case logs.
      3. The evaluations completed by the trainees must be submitted directly to the RTC to maintain confidentiality. They should be sent to: The Chair of the RTC, care of [email protected] or via U.S. Mail to:
        Chair of the RTC
        c/o Wendi Perez
        Executive Administrator of the ARS
        PO Box 269
        Oak Ridge, NJ 07438
    8. Program Self-Evaluation
      1. All programs must complete self-evaluations on a yearly basis. These must be made available for program renewal applications and Program Interviews. These require documented evidence of periodic self-evaluation of the program in relation to the educational goals, the needs of the trainees and the teaching responsibilities of the faculty. This evaluation should include an assessment of the balance between the educational and service components of the program. All programs are encouraged to complete a Self-Evaluation prior to the initial application.
    9. Program Interviews
      1. All programs will be evaluated by Program Interviews following receipt of Provisional Approval Contingent Upon Program Interview.
      2. As mentioned, Provisional Approval will be based on the Program Application. If Provisional Approval Contingent Upon Program Interview is granted, the program will be invited to schedule a Program Interview during the first two years. Following a Program Interview that results in a favorable vote, Full Approval will be granted. Full Approval may last for up to 5 years pending citations issued stemming from the Program Interview.
      3. Program Interviews may be completed by a web interview or as an in-person interview. These will be decided on a case by case basis at the discretion of the RTC.
      4. During the initial Program Interviews and any subsequent Interviews, the RTC analyzes the program’s strengths and weaknesses to ensure that adherence to the core curriculum, adequate faculty participation, caseload, and overall quality are all maintained.
      5. Interviews will last approximately one hour and will require the presence of the Fellowship Director, any fellowship faculty that are able to participate, and the current fellow (if applicable).
      6. Programs must provide to the RTC all fellowship related documents including, but not limited to, fellow evaluations by faculty, case logs, didactic/conference schedules, fellowship self-evaluations, fellowship goals and objectives. Failure to produce requested fellowship documents will result in a citation for the program.
      7. Program Interviews will be structured per the attached document (RTC Program Interview Outline).
      8. Standardized Forms (section C) are completed by the program in advance and the RTC is responsible for completing and submitting a structured report following the Program Interview.
      9. Additional Program Interviews may occur with significant program changes or upon recommendation of the RTC. Potential Triggers for a Program Interview include but are not limited to: a change in Program Director, a change in the number of fellows, a significant change in the associate faculty, insufficient case logs, program complaints, failure to address previous citations, and conflicts with the residency program (where applicable).
      10. Program Interviews are designed to be for verification purposes only, not for punitive reasons.
    10. Program Interviewers
      1. Program Interviewers will be made up of RTC members.
      2. All interviewers will be educated on conducting a Program Interview by a learning module outlining the goals and objectives of a Program Interview.
  8. Fellowship Committee
    1. Committee of 7.
    2. Five members would be elected by the Fellowship Directors, who would also elect the Chair and 1 of the 5 must be from a non-ARS approved program.
    3. The Executive Committee will select 2 ARS members who are not Fellowship Directors.
    4. The committee would be charged with convening and communication with all of the FD’s, and where appropriate, to get approvals with a majority vote of FD’s


  1. The Board of Directors has the authority to appoint special committees that are not defined and mandated by the Bylaws.
  2. Special committees are formed by a vote of the Board, and can only be altered or abolished by the Board.
  3. Members of special committees are selected from voting Members and Fellows of the Society. They serve as expert resources to address policy and as liaisons to other societies and interests.


  1. Definition. A Section will be defined as a member component group of the ARS that seeks formal group designation within the Society to support involvement and enhanced representation.
  2. Purpose. Member component Sections of the ARS may be created for the purpose of professional development, mentorship, and collaboration of its members. Further, Sections will collaborate with and provide benefit to the ARS as a whole. Sections will not distract from the mission of the greater ARS. Sections will only be created when the purpose of said member component group clearly matches the purpose stated here, and is not better designated as an ARS Standing/Non-Standing Committee or President-appointed Special Committee.
  3. Process. A motion to form a Section of the ARS must be presented by at least 25 ARS members in good standing who belong to the member component group that wishes to form said Section. This motion must also be supported by 25 Fellow members of the ARS (who do not necessarily have to be part of the member component group forming said Section).
  4. Structure, Membership and Governance. Each Section will be responsible for its own internal organization. The internal organization and governance of each Section will be in accordance with the written Charter document of that Section. The ARS Board of Directors must approve the Charter document that establishes a Section when that Section is initiated and will be reviewed by the ARS Board of Directors at least every 5 years. Any change in the governance structure within a Section will be approved by the ARS Board of Directors prior to enacting said change. The individual officers/leadership positions within a Section will be elected or appointed by the members of that Section; but will require review by the ARS EC as outlined in 11.5. The ARS Treasurer will have oversight over the Financial Officer of the Section.
  5. Approval process for slate of officers-The ARS EC shall confidentially review the proposed slate of candidates for any section prior to public announcement of the candidates and/or voting on candidates. Timing for submission of a proposed slate of candidates is prior to section votes. The EC desires for sections to function autonomously and would need to intervene only where there is a potential conflict of interest between the ARS mission and the section mission.
  6. Relationship to the ARS Board of Directors. The Section will submit an informational report at least annually at an official ARS Board of Directors meeting, but will not be permitted to vote on motions placed before the Board of Directors. A financial report from each Section will be submitted at least annually to the ARS Treasurer.
  7. Funding. The financial relationship between the ARS and an individual Section will be determined based upon the individual Section’s initiatives and proposed activities. Individual Sections should not seek independent funding for initiatives or activities without prior approval of the ARS Board of Directors. A Memorandum of Understanding will be initiated between each Section and the ARS to delineate the specifics of the financial relationship between these parties.
  8. Termination. A Section may terminate its activities upon permission of the ARS Board of Directors. The ARS Board of Directors may terminate the existence of a Section with a majority vote.
  9. Section logos. Logos for individual sections of the ARS are welcome and encouraged. They must be submitted to the Marketing Committee for review and then approved by the Executive Committee prior to use. Section heads are responsible for insuring that logos do not violate any copyright or patent laws prior to submission for use. A logo is expected to reflect the goals of the section and not detract from the overall objectives of the ARS as an organization.


  1. Section for Women in Rhinology (WIR) in the American Rhinologic Society
    1. Purpose
      1. The purpose of the ARS is to advance the science and art of medicine as its relates to the care of people with rhinologic diseases and disorders. The Section for Women in Rhinology (WIR) is formed to support women rhinologists as they work to advance those purposes. The WIR will function in an advisory role to the Board of Directors, the membership, and committees of the ARS. More specifically, the WIR Section will help the ARS.
        1. Fully utilize the resources and talents of women in rhinology in their efforts to advance the purposes of the ARS.
        2. Support the full integration of women rhinologists into the activities of ARS by advocating for women in ARS leadership and committee positions.
        3. Foster research collaborations and mentoring for women rhinologists.
        4. Address gender issues affecting women rhinologists.
        5. Promote the inclusion of women in educational programming and planning.]
        6. Facilitate communication regarding issues of interest to and about women in the subspecialty of rhinology.
    2. Membership
      1. The Section for WIR will be composed of women who are active members of the ARS who wish to participate.
      2. All other members of the ARS are welcome to participate in any open meetings of the section and its committees, but may not vote or serve in any official capacity e.g. as committee chairs or the Governing Council (GC). Members of the ARS Executive Committee will have a standing invitation to attend all WIR business meetings and meetings of the GC in order to discuss ARS matters that may be of interest to the WIR membership, facilitate communication between the WIR and the ARS, and provide perspective from the ARS leadership.
    3. Officers/Governing Council
      1. Election/Designation of Governing Council Members/Officers
        1. At the ARS Annual Fall Meeting, beginning in 2018, the Section will elect from amongst its members one Chair, one Chair-Elect, one Information Officer/Secretary, one Financial officer, one Research officer, and two Members-at-Large. Such election will be by majority vote of all section members who choose to vote at the meeting. The Financial Officer will be subject to final approval by the ARS Board of Directors. The WIR officers listed above, along with the Immediate Past Chair, will constitute the WIR Governing Council (GC) – for a total of 8 GC members. A term will be for two years. The Chair may serve one term. The Information Officer/Secretary, and Research Officer may serve two consecutive terms maximum. The Financial Officer may serve three consecutive terms maximum. The Members-at-Large may each serve one term.
        2. Nominating process: Any member of the WIR may run for only one office of the GC at any one time. Elections will be held at the WIR Business Meeting, which will take place in conjunction with the ARS Annual Fall Meeting. The Information Officer/Secretary may receive nominations for all positions 14 or more days in advance of the WIR Business Meeting. The proposed ballot will be circulated to WIR members electronically at least one week in advance of the WIR Business Meeting. Officers eligible for another term will be listed on the ballot as “incumbent” unless they do not wish to run for a second term. Nominations may be received from any WIR member. Self-nominations are encouraged.
      2. Terms of the GC Members
        1. Term limits are listed above in Section 1 Election/Designation of Governing Council Members/Officers, as well as below under the description of each GC office.
        2. The GC member terms (as specified below) will be begin immediately after the ARS Annual Fall Meeting in the year the members are elected.
        3. In the event that a member of the WIR GC is unable to complete her term and a vacancy ensues, the WIR GC may appoint an interim officer to serve until the next Annual Meeting, at which time an election will be held to fill the position for any remaining years in the term.
      3. Chair
        1. The Chair will preside at all meetings for the Section for WIR and will report on the recommendations and actions of the Section to the ARS Board of Directors.
        2. The WIR Chair, or Chair-Elect if the Chair is not available, will attend the Board of Directors meetings as a non-voting guest and will present an update on the Section of the WIR to the ARS Board of Directors.
        3. The Chair will maintain the integrity of the Section, and will be responsible for executing all initiatives on behalf of the section.
        4. The Chair will coordinate the Annual Business Meeting of the Section in conjunction with the Annual ARS Annual Fall Meeting.
        5. The term of the office of the Chair will be two years.
      4. Chair-Elect
        1. The Chair-Elect will execute all of the duties of the Chair in the Chair’s absence.
        2. The Chair-Elect will also serve as a liaison to the ARS President-Elect regarding planning of the program for the Annual Fall Meeting and the Spring Meeting, specifically to advise when questions arise regarding the inclusion of women in the meetings and any issues pertaining to women in rhinology.
        3. The term of the Chair-Elect is two years.
      5. Immediate Past Chair
        1. The Immediate Past Chair will remain a member of the WIR GC for an additional two-year term following her term as Chair.
        2. The Immediate Past Chair will be responsible for increasing membership of the Section and encouraging active participation by Section members.
        3. The Chair or Chair-Elect may delegate duties to the Immediate Past Chair on a temporary basis.
      6. Information Officer/Secretary
        1. The Information Officer/Secretary will be responsible for the record keeping of the Section activity, the establishment and maintenance of section communications, and the maintenance of the current membership database, with the assistance of the ARS staff.
        2. The Information Officer/Secretary will be responsible for communications regarding GC elections prior to the Section Annual Business meeting.
        3. The Information Officer/Secretary will serve as Chair of the WIR Information and Communications Committee.
        4. The term of the information officer will be two years, renewable once with a maximum of two terms.
      7. Financial Officer.
        1. The Financial Officer will be the WIR liaison to the ARS Development Committee to encourage funding attainment for ARS and WIR events/projects.
        2. The Financial Officer (working with the WIR Chair, Chair-Elect, and committee chairs) will develop a yearly budget for WIR initiatives/events and present this budget to the Treasurer of the ARS.
        3. The Financial Officer will work closely with the ARS Treasurer and BOD to provide oversight and approval of funding for all WIR events.
        4. The Financial Officer will provide an annual report to the Treasurer of the ARS detailing the financial status and activities of the WIR.
        5. The Financial Officer’s term will be two years, renewable twice for a maximum of three terms.
      8. Research Officer
        1. The Research Officer will be the Chair of the WIR Research and Academic Promotion Committee and will be a liaison to the ARS Research and Grants Committee Chair regarding any initiatives or questions relating to research items within the WIR or ARS.
        2. The Research Officer’s term will be two years, renewable once with a maximum of two terms.
      9. Members-at-Large
        1. The Members-at-Large will serve as liaisons between the WIR Section and such other organizations as the GC deems appropriate.
        2. The Members-at-Large will serve as Co-Chairs of the WIR Program Committee to coordinate the planning of WIR events at ARS meetings including the Annual Fall Meeting, the Spring COSM meeting, the ARS Summer Sinus Symposium or other events.
        3. The Members-at-Large may also be asked to perform additional tasks as assigned by the Chair.
        4. At the initial election in 2018, one Member-at-Large will be elected for a one-year term and one for a two-year term. Thereafter, the term of office of the Members-at-Large will be two years, with staggered terms, such at one is elected each year.
        5. Members-at-Large may serve a maximum of one term.
      10. Responsibilities of the GC.
        1. The GC will serve as the executive body of the Section, will deliberate and conduct business on behalf of the Section, and will be responsible for managing the affairs of the Section with respect to all matters not specifically required of the Section members.
        2. The powers of the GC are established by and subject to approval by the ARS Board of Directors.
        3. Each GC member will be responsible for compiling a written report of actions and information on at least an annual basis to be submitted to the WIR Section Chair.
    4. Section Representation
      1. Representative to the Board of Directors.
        1. The Chair of the Section for WIR will represent the WIR at the ARS Board of Directors meeting as a non-voting guest.
        2. The Chair of the WIR will present an update to the BOD at each board meeting, including a financial update.
      2. Representatives to other medical professional organizations.
        1. When appropriate, the Chair of the WIR or her designee may represent the WIR to the Women in Otolaryngology (WIO) Section of the Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery (AAO-HNS), the AAO-HNS Board of Directors, or any other medical professional organization.
        2. The GC of the WIR, when appropriate, will provide recommendations and suggestions for potential appointees to the WIO, AAO-HNS, as well as other medical organizations as needed.
    5. Committees
      1. Structure
        1. WIR Committees will be chaired by a current member of the Governing Council (GC) or will be appointed by the WIR Chair in consultation with the WIR GC.
        2. Committee chairs not on the GC can self-nominate prior to the WIR Annual Business Meeting after solicitation for nominations by the Information Officer/Secretary prior to the Annual/Fall meeting.
        3. Committee Chairs that have a position on the WIR GC (e.g. WIR Program Committee, Research and Academic Promotion Committee, Information and Communication Committee) will serve as chair of their respective committee for a term coincident with their term on the GC.
        4. Committee Chairs without a position on the GC (e.g. Leadership Development and Mentorship Committee) can serve up to two consecutive two-year terms.
        5. Committee members can serve for three-year terms.
        6. The WIR GC may add to or change the charges of specific committees or add new committees as needed.
        7. The GC may specify the criteria or number of members for each committee.
        8. h.The term of the Chair and committee members begins immediately after the Annual/Fall meeting.
      2. The WIR Leadership Development and Mentorship Committee
        1. Actively working towards establishing and maintaining a mentorship program for women in the ARS.
        2. Identifying and implementing ways in which the ARS can best provide leadership skills training, experience and opportunities for women in the ARS and at large. Actively working with the WIO Leadership Development and Mentorship committee to collaborate in leadership training for women in all of otolaryngology.
        3. The Leadership Development and Mentorship Chair will be selected by the WIR chair and GC.
      3. WIR Program Committee
        1. Planning and implementing the WIR activities during meetings including the Annual/Fall meeting WIR luncheon/event, the Spring COSM Meeting WIR breakfast, and a yearly social/networking event at an ARS event or meeting.
        2. The GC Members-at-Large will serve as Co-Chairs of the WIR Program Committee.
        3. The WIR Program Committee will work with the Financial Officer and ARS staff in the budgeting and planning of WIR events.
      4. WIR Research and Academic Promotion Committee
        1. Supporting research conducted by women in the ARS including mentorship, collaboration and grant writing assistance.
        2. Compiling a list of currently funded research by women in the ARS and tracking of research support for women as funded by the ARS Research Grants.
        3. Mentoring academic rhinologists in promotion and tenure applications.
        4. The Research Officer of the GC will serve as Chair of the Research and Academic Promotion committee.
      5. WIR Information and Communication Committee
        1. Communicating WIR activities within the WIR and the ARS as a whole as well as social media and the press.
        2. Providing a liaison to relevant ARS and AAO-HNS publications, including providing suggestions for interviewees and topics as well as monitoring ARS and AAO-HNS publications for gender diversity.
        3. The Information Officer/Secretary will serve as Chair of the Information and Communication committee.
    6. Meetings
      1. Dates and Places
        1. The WIR Section will conduct its Annual Business Meeting during the Annual/Fall ARS Meeting at a place and time determined by the Chair.
        2. The GC members will attend all meetings of the Section for WIR.
        3. The Chair and four or more GC members may call additional meetings in person or by teleconference at their discretion.
      2. Quorum
        1. Attendance to the regularly scheduled business meeting of the Section is open to all members of the WIR.
        2. Non-WIR members may attend WIR business meetings but may not vote.
        3. Attendance by a majority of the members of the GC will be sufficient to establish a quorum for conducting business at any meeting of the GC.
      3. Voting
        1. Any two members of the WIR or any committee representative of the Section for the WIR attending a meeting of the Section will have the power to propose resolutions.
        2. Any member in good standing may second recommendations and vote on any matter before the respective body.
        3. There will be no proxy voting.
        4. Non-WIR members who are members of the ARS may attend WIR business meetings but may not vote.
      4. Notice of Resolutions
        1. Resolutions for consideration at the WIR Annual Meeting must be submitted in writing including via email to the WIR Information Officer/Secretary no less than 30 days prior to such meeting.
    7. Resignation or Removal of Members
      1. Resignation
        1. Any member of the Section of the WIR may resign by giving written notice of her resignation to the Information Officer/Secretary.
      2. Removal
        1. The GC may vote by majority vote of all GC members to remove a GC member if deemed in the best interest of the WIR.
        2. Failure to maintain membership in the ARS with paid dues will result in automatic removal from the WIR including committees or the GC.
    8. Amendments to Rules and Regulations
      1. Proposals for amending or repealing these rules and regulations, or for adoption new rules and regulations, may be presented and acted upon at any Annual or special meeting of the GC of the Section for the WIR by an affirmative vote of 2/3 of the voting members present; providing that written notice of such proposed action will have be made available to each member of the section at least 14 days before the meeting at which such action is to be considered.
      2. The ARS Board of Directors must approve any amendments to this charter by majority vote.
    9. Rules of Order
      1. The most recent edition of “Robert’s Rules of Order” will govern the meetings of the Section for WIR and the GC.
  2. Skull Base and Orbital Surgery Section of the American Rhinologic Society
    1. Purpose
      1. The Skull Base and Orbital Surgery Section of the American Rhinologic Society seeks to bring together those individuals interested in advancing the care of patients with skull base and orbital pathology.
      2. Through collaboration, the Section can guide the Society in meeting content/educational efforts, multi-institutional research efforts especially those involving rare pathology, best evidence-based practices and/or expert consensus, best coding practices, and NeuroRhinology fellowship training expectations as it pertains to skull base surgery.
      3. It is also the intent of the Section to serve as a platform for more junior members of the Society to impact and enhance the Society through the aforementioned efforts given the unique nature of skull base and orbital surgery. Moreover, such a platform will allow Section members to participate in Section leadership roles thereby enhancing the Society membership experiencing with the hopes that excellence in such a capacity would result in future opportunities in the Society.
    2. Membership
      1. 1.The Skull Base and Orbital Surgery Section of the American Rhinologic Society will be composed of active members of the ARS who wish to participate following approval by the Section Membership Committee following receipt and review of a member’s application.
      2. Review and approval of new Section members occurs once per month. Members of the ARS Executive Committee will have a standing invitation to attend all business meetings and meetings of the (Governing Council) GC in order to discuss ARS matters that may be of interest to the Section membership, facilitate communication between the Section and the ARS, and provide perspective from the ARS leadership.
    3. Governing Council
      1. Election/Designation of Governing Council
        1. At the ARS Annual Fall Meeting, the Section will elect from among its members the following: one Chair, one Chair-Elect, one Information Officer/Secretary, one Financial officer, one Research officer, two Members-at-Large.
        2. Such election will be by majority vote of all Section members who choose to vote at the meeting.
        3. The Financial Officer will be subject to final approval by the ARS Board of Directors. The Skull Base Surgery Section officers listed above, along with the Immediate Past Chair, will constitute the GC – for a total of 8 GC members.
      2. Terms
        1. The GC member terms will be begin immediately after the ARS Annual Fall Meeting in the year the members are elected. In the event that a member of the Section GC is unable to complete his/her term and a vacancy ensues, the Section GC may appoint an interim officer to serve until the next Annual Meeting, at which time an election will be held to fill the position for any remaining years in the term.
        2. A term for all GC officers will be for two years. The Chair may serve one term.
        3. The Information Officer/Secretary, and Research Officer may serve two consecutive terms maximum.
        4. The Financial Officer may serve three consecutive terms maximum.
        5. The term of office of the Members-at-Large will be two years, with staggered terms, such that one is elected each year. The Members-at-Large may each serve one term.
      3. Nominating process
        1. Any member of the Section may run for only one office of the GC at any one time. Elections will be held at the Section Business Meeting, which will take place in conjunction with the ARS Annual Fall Meeting.
        2. The Information Officer/Secretary may receive nominations for all positions 14 or more days in advance of the Section Business Meeting.
        3. The proposed ballot will be circulated to Section members electronically at least one week in advance of the Business Meeting.
        4. Officers eligible for another term will be listed on the ballot as “incumbent” unless they do not wish to run for a second term.
        5. Nominations may be received from any Section member. Self-nominations are encouraged.
      4. Chair
        1. The Chair will preside at all meetings for the Section and will report on the recommendations and actions of the Section to the ARS Board of Directors.
        2. b.The Section Chair, or Chair-Elect if the Chair is not available, will attend the Board of Directors meetings as a nonvoting guest and will present an update (including financial) on the Section to the ARS Board of Directors.
        3. The Chair will maintain the integrity of the Section, and will be responsible for executing all initiatives on behalf of the section.
        4. The Chair will coordinate the Annual Business Meeting of the Section in conjunction with the Annual ARS Annual Fall Meeting.
        5. When appropriate, the Section Chair or his/her designee may represent the Section to other medical professional organizations
      5. Chair-Elect
        1. The Chair-Elect will execute all of the duties of the Chair in the Chair’s absence. b. The Chair-Elect will also serve as a liaison to the ARS President-Elect regarding planning of the program for the Annual Fall Meeting and the Spring Meeting, specifically to advise when questions arise regarding the inclusion of skull base content in the meetings and any associated issues.
      6. Immediate Past Chair
        1. The Immediate Past Chair will be responsible for increasing membership of the Section and encouraging active participation by Section members.
        2. The Chair or Chair-Elect may delegate duties to the Immediate Past Chair on a temporary basis.
      7. Information Officer/Secretary
        1. The Information Officer/Secretary will be responsible for the record keeping of the Section activity, the establishment and maintenance of section communications, and the maintenance of the current membership database with the Membership Committee Chair and the assistance of the ARS staff.
        2. The Information Officer/Secretary will be responsible for communications regarding GC elections prior to the Section Annual Business meeting.
        3. The Information Officer/Secretary will serve as Chair of the Section Information and Communications Committee (as applicable).
      8. Financial Officer.
        1. a.The Financial Officer will be the Skull Base Surgery Section liaison to the ARS Development Committee to encourage funding attainment for ARS and Section events/projects.
        2. The Financial Officer [working with the Section Chair, Chair-Elect, and committee chairs (as applicable)] will develop a yearly budget for Section initiatives/events and present this budget to the Treasurer of the ARS.
        3. The Financial Officer will work closely with the ARS Treasurer and BOD to provide oversight and approval of funding for all Section events.
        4. The Financial Officer will provide an annual report to the Treasurer of the ARS detailing the financial status and activities of the Section.
      9. Research Officer
        1. The Research Officer will be the Chair of the Section Research Committee (as applicable) and will be a liaison to the ARS Research and Grants Committee Chair regarding any initiatives or questions relating to research items within the Section or ARS.
      10. Members-at-Large
        1. The Members-at-Large will serve as liaisons between the Skull Base Surgery Section and other organizations as the GC deems appropriate.
        2. The Members-at-Large will serve as Co-Chairs of the Section Program Committee to coordinate the planning of Section events at ARS meetings including the Annual Fall Meeting, the Spring COSM meeting, the ARS Summer Sinus Symposium or other events.
        3. The Members-at-Large may also be asked to perform additional tasks as assigned by the Chair.
      11. Responsibilities of the GC.
        1. The GC will serve as the executive body of the Section, will deliberate and conduct business on behalf of the Section, and will be responsible for managing the affairs of the Section with respect to all matters not specifically required of the Section members.
        2. The powers of the GC are established by and subject to approval by the ARS Board of Directors.
        3. Each GC member will be responsible for compiling a written report of actions and information on at least an annual basis to be submitted to the Skull Base Surgery Section Chair.
    4. Committees
      1. 1.Structure
        1. Skull Base and Orbital Surgery Section Committees will be chaired by a current member of the Governing Council (GC) or will be appointed by the Section Chair in consultation with the GC.
        2. Committee chairs not on the GC can self-nominate prior to the Section Annual Business Meeting after solicitation for nominations by the Information Officer/Secretary prior to the Annual/Fall meeting.
        3. Committee Chairs that have a position on the GC (e.g. Program Committee, Research Committee, Information and Communication Committee) will serve as chair of their respective committee for a term coincident with their term on the GC.
        4. Committee Chairs without a position on the GC can serve up to two consecutive two-year terms.
        5. Committee members can serve for three-year terms.
        6. The Section GC may add to or change the charges of specific committees or add new committees as needed.
        7. The GC may specify the criteria or number of members for each committee.
        8. The term of the Chair and committee members begins immediately after the Annual Fall meeting.
      2. Standing Committees
        1. The Program Committee
          1. Plans and implements Section activities during meetings.
          2. The GC Members-at-Large will serve as Co-Chairs of the Program Committee.
          3. The Program Committee will work with the Financial Officer and ARS staff in the budgeting and planning of Section events.
        2. The Research Committee
          1. Supporting research through collaboration in the ARS.
          2. The Research Officer of the GC will serve as Chair of the Research committee.
        3. Information and Communication Committee
          1. Communicates Section activities within the Section and the ARS.
          2. The Information Officer/Secretary will serve as Chair of the Information and Communication committee.
        4. Membership Committee
          1. Maintain an active membership roster.
          2. Confer membership to applicants to the Section.
    5. Meetings.
      1. Dates and Places
        1. The Section will conduct its Annual Business Meeting during the Annual Fall ARS Meeting at a place and time determined by the Chair.
        2. The GC members will attend all meetings of the Section.
        3. The Chair and four or more GC members may call additional meetings in person or by teleconference at their discretion.
        4. All members of the Section are permitted to attend the regularly scheduled business meeting of the Section.
        5. Non-Section members may attend the business meetings but may not vote.
        6. Attendance by a majority of the members of the GC will be sufficient to establish a quorum for conducting business at any meeting of the GC.
      2. Voting
        1. Any two members of the Section will have the power to propose resolutions.
        2. Any member in good standing may second recommendations and vote on any matter before the respective body.
        3. There will be no proxy voting.
        4. Non-Section members who are members of the ARS may attend Section business meetings but may not vote.
      3. Notice of Resolutions
        1. Resolutions for consideration at the Skull Base and Orbital Surgery Section Annual Meeting must be submitted in writing including via email to the Section Information Officer/Secretary no less than 30 days prior to such meeting.
      4. Resignation or Removal of Members
        1. Any member of the Section may resign by giving written notice of his/her resignation to the Information Officer/Secretary.
        2. b.. The GC may vote by majority vote of all GC members to remove a GC member if deemed in the best interest of the Section.
        3. Failure to maintain membership in the ARS with paid dues will result in automatic removal from the Section including Committees or the GC.
    6. Amendments to Rules and Regulations
      1. Proposals for amending or repealing these rules and regulations, or for adoption of new rules and regulations, may be presented and acted upon at any Annual or special meeting of the GC of the Section by an affirmative vote of 2/3 of the voting members present; providing that written notice of such proposed action will have be made available to each member of the section at least 14 days before the meeting at which such action is to be considered.
      2. The ARS Board of Directors must approve any amendments to this charter by majority vote.
  3. Section for Allergy/Immunology in Rhinology (AIR) in the American Rhinologic Society
    1. Purpose
      1. The Section for Allergy/Immunology in Rhinology (AIR) supports rhinologists interested in allergy and immunology.
      2. The AIR Section will function in an advisory role to the Board of Directors, the membership, and committees of the ARS.
      3. The AIR Section will fully utilize the resources and talents of members with expertise, practical knowledge, and interest in allergic/immunologic conditions relating to rhinologic conditions in their efforts to advance the purposes of the ARS.
      4. The Section will support the full integration of rhinologists with allergy immunology expertise, practical knowledge, and interest into the activities of ARS by:
        1. advocating for rhinologists with allergy/immunology interest in ARS leadership and committee positions.
        2. fostering research collaborations and mentoring for rhinologists with allergy/immunology interest.
        3. promoting allergy/immunology topics in educational programming and planning.
        4. Facilitate communication regarding the topic of allergy/immunology as it relates to the subspecialty of rhinology.
        5. Support advocacy efforts related to allergy/immunology issues and practice (e.g. billing/coding concerns, allergen compounding in office, etc.)
    2. Membership
      1. The AIR Section will be composed of active members of the ARS with an interest in allergy/immunology who wish to participate.
      2. All other members of the ARS are welcome to participate in any open meetings of the Section and its committees, but may not vote or serve in any official capacity (e.g. as committee chairs or the Governing Council (GC)).
      3. Members of the ARS Executive Committee will have a standing invitation to attend all AIR business meetings and meetings of the AIR GC in order to discuss ARS matters that may be of interest to the AIR membership, facilitate communication between the AIR and the ARS, and provide perspective from the ARS leadership.
    3. Governing Council
      1. Election/Designation of Governing Council Members/Officers
        1. The AIR Governing Council consists of one Chair, one Chair-Elect, one Information Officer/Secretary, one Financial officer, and the Immediate Past Chair.
        2. The GC member terms will be begin immediately after the ARS Annual Fall Meeting in the year the members are elected.
        3. In the event that a member of the AIR GC is unable to complete his/her term and a vacancy ensues, the AIR GC may appoint an interim officer to serve until the next Annual Meeting, at which time an election will be held to fill the position for any remaining time in the term.
        4. A term will be for one year.
        5. The Chair may serve one term.
        6. The Information Officer/Secretary and Financial Officer may serve two consecutive terms maximum.
      2. Nominating process
        1. Any member of the AIR may run for only one office of the GC at any one time.
        2. Elections will be held at the AIR Business Meeting, which takes place in conjunction with the ARS Annual Fall Meeting.
        3. The Information Officer/Secretary may receive nominations for all positions 14 or more days in advance of the AIR Business Meeting.
        4. The proposed ballot will be circulated to AIR members electronically at least one week in advance of the AIR Business Meeting.
        5. Officers eligible for another term will be listed on the ballot as “incumbent” unless they do not wish to run for a second term.
        6. Nominations may be received from any AIR member. Self-nominations are encouraged.
      3. Chair.
        1. The Chair will preside at all meetings for the AIR Section and will report on the recommendations and actions of the Section to the ARS Board of Directors.
        2. The AIR Chair, or Chair-Elect if the Chair is not available, will attend the Board of Directors meetings as a non-voting guest and will present an update on the Section of the AIR, including financial, to the ARS Board of Directors.
        3. c.The Chair will maintain the integrity of the Section and will be responsible for executing all initiatives on behalf of the section.
        4. The Chair will coordinate the Annual Business Meeting of the Section in conjunction with the Annual ARS Annual Fall Meeting.
        5. e.The Chair of the AIR or designee may represent the AIR to the Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery (AAO-HNS), the AAO-HNS Board of Directors, or any other medical professional organization.
      4. Chair-Elect
        1. The Chair-Elect will execute all of the duties of the Chair in the Chair’s absence.
        2. The Chair-Elect will also serve as a liaison to the ARS President-Elect regarding planning of the program for the Annual Fall Meeting and the Spring Meeting, as well as to the Program Chairs of the Summer Sinus Symposium, specifically to advise on inclusion of allergy/immunology topics in the meetings and any issues pertaining to the AIR section.
      5. Immediate Past Chair
        1. The Immediate Past Chair will remain a member of the AIR GC for an additional one-year term following his/her term as Chair.
        2. The Immediate Past Chair will be responsible for increasing membership of the Section and encouraging active participation by Section members.
        3. c.The Chair or Chair-Elect may delegate duties to the Immediate Past Chair on a temporary basis.
      6. Information Officer/Secretary
        1. The Information Officer/Secretary will be responsible for the record keeping of the Section activity, the establishment and maintenance of section communications, and the maintenance of the current membership database, with the assistance of the ARS staff.
        2. The Information Officer/Secretary will be responsible for communications regarding GC elections prior to the Section Annual Business meeting.
        3. The Information Officer/Secretary will serve as Chair of the AIR Information and Communications Committee.
      7. Financial Officer.
        1. The Financial Officer will be the AIR liaison to the ARS Development Committee to encourage funding attainment for ARS and AIR events/projects.
        2. The Financial Officer (working with the AIR Chair and Chair-Elect) will develop a yearly budget for AIR initiatives/events and present this budget to the Treasurer of the ARS if additional funds are requested for AIR events.
        3. The Financial Officer will work closely with the ARS Treasurer and BOD to provide oversight and approval of funding for all AIR events.
        4. The Financial Officer will provide an annual report to the Treasurer of the ARS detailing the financial status and activities of the AIR.
      8. Responsibilities of the GC.
        1. The GC will serve as the executive body of the Section, will deliberate and conduct business on behalf of the Section, and will be responsible for managing the affairs of the Section with respect to all matters not specifically required of the Section members.
        2. The powers of the GC are established by and subject to approval by the ARS Board of Directors.
        3. Each GC member will be responsible for compiling a written report of actions and information on at least an annual basis to be submitted to the AIR Section Chair.
    4. Meetings
      1. Dates and Places
        1. The AIR Section will conduct its Annual Business Meeting during the Annual/Fall ARS Meeting at a place and time determined by the Chair.
        2. The GC members will attend all meetings of the Section for AIR.
        3. The Chair and four or more GC members may call additional meetings in person or by teleconference at their discretion.
        4. Attendance to the regularly scheduled business meeting of the Section is open to all members of the AIR.
        5. Non-AIR members may attend AIR business meetings but may not vote.
        6. Attendance by a majority of the members of the GC will be sufficient to establish a quorum for conducting business at any meeting of the GC.
      2. Voting
        1. Any two members of the AIR or any committee representative of the AIR Section attending a meeting of the Section will have the power to propose resolutions.
        2. Any member in good standing may second recommendations and vote on any matter before the respective body.
        3. There will be no proxy voting.
        4. Non-AIR members who are members of the ARS may attend AIR business meetings but may not vote.
      3. Notice of Resolutions
        1. Resolutions for consideration at the AIR Annual Meeting must be submitted in writing including via email to the AIR Information Officer/Secretary no less than 30 days prior to such meeting.
      4. Resignation or Removal of Members
        1. Any member of the AIR Section may resign by giving written notice of her resignation to the Information Officer/Secretary.
        2. The GC may vote by majority vote of all GC members to remove a GC member if deemed in the best interest of the AIR.
        3. Failure to maintain membership in the ARS with paid dues will result in automatic removal from the AIR including committees or the GC.
      5. Procedures
        1. The most recent edition of “Robert’s Rules of Order” will govern the meetings of the Section for AIR and the GC.
    5. Amendments to Rules and Regulations
      1. Proposals for amending or repealing these rules and regulations, or for adoption new rules and regulations, may be presented and acted upon at any Annual or special meeting of the GC of the AIR Section by an affirmative vote of 2/3 of the voting members present; providing that written notice of such proposed action will have be made available to each member of the section at least 14 days before the meeting at which such action is to be considered.
      2. The ARS Board of Directors must approve any amendments to this charter by majority vote.


  1. The fiscal year of the Society shall begin on January 1 and end on December 31.
  2. Requests for funding of projects will be made appropriately through the office of the Treasurer.


  1. The President makes all ongoing and routine contacts with Society Attorneys, as does the President- Elect, Secretary, or other members of the Society Executive Committee, with knowledge of the President.
  2. Other consultants shall have prior approval of the Executive Committee and President before obtaining consulting or attorney services.


  1. Accreditation: The ACCME accredits the American Rhinologic Society to designate educational activities as CME allowing it to award category 1 or 2 CME credit for educational activities.
  2. Policy on Joint Sponsorship: From time to time, the Society is requested to sponsor educational activities jointly with outside organizations, including some COSM societies. The Society has a Joint Sponsorship policy which is available in the Secretarial office.
  3. Disclosure Policy: The American Rhinologic Society endorses the guidelines for accredited continuing medical education programs as set forth in ACCME standards for commercial support of CME and adheres to these guidelines in the conduct of these educational activities. All presenters and faculty members shall make a full disclosure of financial interests. In addition, disclosure must be made on presentations on drugs or devices or uses of drugs or devices that the Food and Drug Administration has not approved.
  4. Financial Support of Educational Activities: The Society’s policies in regards to financial support of educational activities are in compliance with the American Medical Association’s Standards for Commercial Support of Continuing Education of the ACCME. The Society is responsible for the content, quality, and scientific integrity of all CME activities, and that all presentations give a balanced view of therapeutic options.
  5. Records of CME Activities: The Secretary of the Society maintains the records for members who attended CME activities sponsored by the Society.
  6. Conflict of Interest Issues: The CME committee will work with the program committee to evaluate and resolve potential conflict of interest issues related to Society educational meetings. The committee will provide evaluations of program materials and assurances that they are free of bias.


  1. Annual Meeting: The Annual meeting shall be held in the fall of the year at a time and place decided by the Board of Directors; typically just prior to the American Academy of Otolaryngology—Head and Neck Surgery Annual Meeting. The Annual Business Meeting shall be open to all Fellows and Members in good standing.
  2. COSM: The Society is a member of Combined Spring Otolaryngology Meetings (COSM) and plans to meet on an annual basis at the COSM based on the discretion of the Board. The deadline for general abstracts for this meeting is typically in the fall of the preceding year.
  3. Other Meetings: The Society may choose to host other educational meetings. The Board of Directors shall decide the venue and timing of these meetings and give proper notification to Society members of the Society. Meeting dates shall be determined by the Board of Directors. Special meetings may be called by two-thirds vote at any membership meeting at which a quorum is present or by the President. At the written request of five members and stating the reason for their request, the President will call a special meeting. Written notices of special meetings shall be mailed to the membership at least thirty days prior to the meeting date.
  4. Speaker Honoraria: Presenters at the Scientific Meetings of the Society who are Society members do not receive compensation, registration fees, travel expenses, or honorarium. (This does not apply to the Annual CME Dinner Symposium). Non-member, non-otolaryngologist presenters are provided complimentary registration. Normally, no honorarium or travel expenses are paid. Committee presenters and educational members may request modest exemptions for outside presenters when their proposals are submitted in advance to the Board. Speaker honorarium and travel expenses are not given to the First Vice President for organizing, or moderating, or speaking at the Annual CME Dinner Symposium but may be given to other invited guests for this program regardless of their position in this Society.
  5. Exhibitors are allowed to attend the Society's educational meetings
  6. Dedicated space will be made at the Society's educational meetings to promote the educational meetings of other institutions.
  7. Abstracts selected for oral presentation at the national meetings of the American Rhinologic Society, either at the fall annual meeting or the spring meeting, are expected to have an accompanying manuscript submitted for publication in the journal of the Society (IFAR). Special exemption permission for submission to a high impact external journal may been obtained per criteria outlined in Section 9.


  1. Scientific Program: The Scientific Program of the Annual Meeting is composed of scientific sessions, scientific poster presentations, and exhibits as well as corporate-supported educational symposia. The Program Committee meets to review the abstracts submitted for the meeting to select those for presentation. Each podium presentation must submit a single unique corresponding manuscript to IFAR for consideration of publication prior to the meeting.
  2. Scientific Exhibits: All Scientific exhibits at the meeting of the Society shall be reviewed by the Program committee.
  3. Satellite Functions: The Society supports scientific educational symposia at satellite functions as deemed necessary or important by the Board.


  1. Maurice H. Cottle Award
    1. The award is given by the Society for the best clinical rhinologic research paper presented at the Annual ARS scientific meeting.
    2. The Awards Committee reviews manuscripts presented at the fall meeting and selects the award winner(s).
    3. The Board shall determine the amount of the Cottle Award. Currently this award is set at $1000.
  2. ARS Research Awards
    1. Basic science research awards are given at the Spring and Fall ARS scientific meetings, and a clinical research award is also given at the Spring meeting.
    2. The manuscripts submitted for presentation at the meetings will be reviewed by the Awards Committee to select winners in both the basic science research and the clinical research categories.
    3. The Board shall determine the amount of the awards. Currently this award is set at $1000.
  3. ARS Presidential Award
    1. This award is presented for meritorious service to the ARS and/or the field of rhinology.
    2. The award need not be offered annually and considered by the Board of Directors and Society Awards Committee by a specific proposal. A maximum of two awards can be awarded annually.
    3. The President of the ARS shall present the Presidential Award at the annual fall meeting.
  4. ARS Golden Head Mirror Award
    1. The society currently offers the Golden Head Mirror Award for meritorious teaching in rhinology
    2. The award is not offered annually and considered by the Board of Directors and Society Awards Committee by a specific proposal. A maximum of two awards can be awarded annually.
    3. The Golden Head Mirror Award shall be made by the current President.
  5. International Rhinology Research Award
    1. This award is selected for the best clinical or basic science research paper presented at the Annual Fall scientific meeting of the American Rhinologic Society awarded at the discretion of the committee.
    2. It is open only to international (non-US) physicians.
    3. This award is currently set at $1000.
  6. Annual David W. Kennedy Lectureship
  7. Other Awards: The Research and Education Committees may recommend other awards to the Board.


  1. Newsletter: The Society shall inform its members on a regular basis in the form of a Society Newsletter. The Newsletter shall be published at the discretion of the Board on a regular basis.
  2. Newsletter Editor: The Editor shall work in conjunction with the website coordinator for content of the newsletter and the website.
  3. Other Society Publications: Other publications of the Society shall be reviewed by the Editor of the Newsletter and submitted to the Board for approval prior to publication.
    1. Society Newsletter Fall Spring Summer
    2. Call for Items May November February
    3. Items Due June January March
    4. Publish Date July February April


  1. Definitions
    1. The International Forum of Allergy & Rhinology, LLC (“the LLC”) is an entity jointly owned by the ARS and the American Academy of Otolaryngic Allergy (AAOA), each of which holds a 50% stake.
    2. The LLC shall make all decisions regarding the operations and finances of the International Forum of Allergy & Rhinology (IFAR), and shall interact and negotiate with the AAOA and the publisher to achieve the intended goals of IFAR.
    3. The LLC shall be responsible for selection of the Editor-in-Chief of IFAR.
  2. Terms of Membership
    1. Representation from the ARS to the LLC shall consist of 3 voting members and 1 alternate. Each membership term shall run for 3 years with the possibility of renewal for a second term.
    2. The Chair of the LLC shall serve a 2-year term. This position will alternate between membership of the ARS and AAOA.
    3. Nomination for the Chair (ARS position) will be made by the ARS president and will be selected from one of the three voting members.
    4. Nomination for the Chair (ARS position) will be approved by the BOD.
    5. Membership terms shall commence on January 1 of each calendar year.
  3. Appointment of Members
    1. Current members of the LLC shall appoint new LLC members from within the ARS membership.
    2. Nominations for membership in the LLC shall be approved by the BOD of the ARS.


  1. Purpose: The Development Committee establishes relationships between the Society and corporate sponsors for Programs, Meetings and other Society interests including research funding and Web-site sponsorship. Funds solicited and received through this committee shall be earmarked for educational and research programs sponsored by the Society.
  2. Outlay of grants: The research committee is responsible for the outlay of grants awarded by the corporate development program. The research committee will work with C.O.R.E. to establish the recipients of the grants.


  1. Overview: The Information Technology Committee under the leadership of the Information Technology Officer shall coordinate the society's activities that are conducted or facilitated through the Internet.
  2. Specific features: The Society's Internet activities include (1) its public web pages, (2) email services, (3) specific web applications including membership administration, Member Services (dues administration), e-Survey module, e-Abstract module, meeting registration and committee management, (4) other miscellaneous activities assigned by the Board of Directors.
  3. Information Technology Manual: The Information Technology Committee will collate and maintain the Society's Information Technology Manual, which will summarize its current web applications and specific policies for web activities.


  1. All Officers, Directors, Consultants and Committee Chair are required to use the ARS logo/letterhead in all written communications regarding Society business. All electronic messages sent by the ARS must first be reviewed and approved by two ARS officers. These messages must be entered into a log with a copy of the original message.


  1. The Board of Directors may authorize any officer or officers, agent or agents of the Society, in addition to the officers so authorized by the By-Laws to enter into any contract or execute and deliver any instrument in the name of and on behalf of the Society, and such authority may be general or confined to specific instances.
  2. All checks, drafts, and other orders for the payment of money, notes or other evidence of indebtedness issued in the name of the Society, shall be signed by such officer or officers, agent or agents of the Society, and such manner as shall from time to time be determined by resolution of the Board of Directors. In the absence of such determination by the Board of Directors, such instruments shall be signed by the Treasurer.
  3. All funds of the Society shall be deposited to the credit of the Society in such banks, trust companies or other depositories as the Board of Directors may select.
  4. The Board of Directors may accept on behalf of the Society any contribution, gift, bequest or devise for the general purpose or for any special purpose of the Society. Unless otherwise designated, any such contribution or gift will be available for the Dr. Maurice H. Cottle Research and Education Fund.
  5. Disbursements of over $250,000.00 from the General Fund must be with the majority approval of the members of the Board of Directors present at the meeting or two-thirds of the general membership.
  6. A report of all the activities of the Board of Directors and of the Standing Committees shall be made to the general membership annually.


  1. All material, property and equipment of the American Rhinologic Society in the form of projectors, slides, screens, tape or other recordings, books, pamphlets, photographs, charts, drawings, anatomic specimens, etc. acquired by the Society shall be maintained by the ARS Administrator.
  2. All materials shall be made available to all members of the Society for medical research and education upon application to the Board of Directors.


  1. There shall be no amendments, alteration or repeal of any part of the By-Laws, or the whole thereof, except upon written proposal of at least five members in good standing andsubmitted at a regular meeting of the Society and subsequently posted on the Society’s website for a 90 day comment period.
  2. A proposal, submitted and prepared as above, shall first be read at a meeting of the Society (and posted on the ARS website) and if approved by a majority of those members present, shall be tabled for final action at the next regular meeting of the Society, the notice for which shall set forth in full the amendment to be acted upon.