ARS Position Statement: Diagnostic Nasal Endoscopy - CPT 31231

Diagnostic nasal endoscopy is a procedure performed to better characterize the anatomy of the nasal cavity and/or
paranasal sinuses and to identify sinonasal pathology not afforded by anterior rhinoscopy. It is typically performed in
the office setting, although it can be performed in the hospital outpatient setting.
Common indications for diagnostic nasal endoscopy include but are not limited to:

  • Evaluation of chronic sinonasal symptoms;
  • Assessment of interval response to medical or surgical therapy
  • Monitoring for recurrence of sinusitis and/ornasal polyps;
  • Evaluation and management of epistaxis;
  • Performance of endoscopically guided cultures;
  • Assessment of facial pain suggestive of rhinogenic origin;
  • Evaluation of clear rhinorrhea suggestive of cerebrospinal fluid leak;
  • Performance of initial diagnosis and interval surveillance for sinonasal neoplasms; or
  • Evaluation of smell disorders.

Endoscopic evaluation and endoscopic surgery have both been recognized as accepted modalities of diagnosis and
treatment of sinonasal disorders.

Statement updated September 13, 2019