Chair: Kent Lam, MD FARS

Committee Charge


  1. To assist ARS and the Program Committee in program planning and monitoring
  2. To monitor program survey
  3. To evaluate program quality
  4. To assist secretary for yearly ACCME surveys and program accreditation


  1. Collect program survey and tabulate participant responses.
  2. Distribute collected meeting survey to Program Committee for use in program development.
  3. To coordinate the filing of individual program materials to meet ACCME requirements. The program materials include advertisement, announcements, program schedule, budget, survey, actual meeting program and time lines.
  4. To establish and revise ACCME & ARS mission statements.
  5. To review program and participant responses using them to develop needs assessment.
  6. To prepare the ARS Case Study necessary for accreditation working with the ARS secretary and ARS coordinator.
  7. To discuss ACCME requirement and meeting essentials at ARS Board meetings with review of last meeting for quality and improvement in future meetings.

Committee Members

  • Term Ending 2024
    • Arthur Wu
    • Matthew Tyler
    • Esther Kim
    • Kent Lam (chair) (2nd Term)
    • Stacey Silvers
  • Term Ending 2025
    • Marilene Wang
  • Term Ending 2026
    • Keonho Kong
    • Christopher Ito (2nd Term)