UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA RHINOLOGY FELLOWSHIPINSTITUTION & ADDRESSUniversity of Pennsylvania SF MATCH PROGRAM ID#2880 FELLOWSHIP DIRECTORNithin D. Adappa, MD FELLOWSHIP INSTRUCTORSNithin D. Adappa, MD John V. Bosso, MD Noam A. Cohen, MD, PhD Jennifer E. Douglas, MD Christina Jackson, MD David W. Kennedy, MD Michael A. Kohanski, MD, PhD John Y.K. Lee, MD James N. Palmer, MD Jay Storm, MD Daniel Yoshor, MD DEPARTMENTAL MISSION STATEMENTThe Department of Otorhinolaryngology: Head and Neck Surgery is committed to outstanding clinical care, the education of future leaders in our specialty and to advancing knowledge through basic and clinical research. Leading edge clinical care will be provided in a compassionate, patient friendly environment in which the patient always has priority. The Department is resolved to provide a broad based clinical experience to enable residents to become leading clinicians, research opportunities for the development of future clinician/scientists, and medical student courses which both provide basic knowledge in the specialty and kindle the quest for future knowledge of the field. The Department recognizes that the future of otolaryngology is based upon the continued development of innovative research. The Faculty has a special obligation to be a major national and international force in the development and implementation of advances in our specialty and to both avail itself of, and augment, the research resources available at the medical center. Recruitment and retention of outstanding faculty through maintenance of a collegial, stimulating and progressive academic milieu is critical to our mission. OVERVIEW OF FELLOWSHIPThe Rhinology and Skull Base Surgery Fellowship at the University of Pennsylvania has had a long and storied tradition of producing leaders in our specialty. Originally started at Penn in 1992 under the leadership of Dr. David Kennedy, the Division of Rhinology, now lead by Dr. James Palmer, has grown to encompass six clinical rhinologists, one allergist with a focus on AERD, two nurse practitioners, a clinical research nurse, an allergy center with a dedicated Rhinology research laboratory of over ten investigators, and close collaboration with four endoscopic neurosurgeons. Our goal is to provide the highest level of focused rhinologic subspecialty training available to qualified applicants by facilitating extensive clinical subspecialty experience and opportunities to participate in leading translational research, with the ultimate goal producing future academic leaders within the specialty. The extensive national and international referral patterns for the Rhinology division at Penn ensure a wide spectrum and high volume of tertiary rhinologic and skull base cases. Fellowship surgical experience benefits from the busy practices of five rhinologic and skull base surgeons, and is geared towards the more challenging skull base, orbital, intracranial, and revision surgical cases. The Division of Rhinology performs over 600 inflammatory and over 200 skull base surgery cases per year, with a case mix comprising complex frontal sinus surgery, revision FESS, benign and malignant sinonasal tumors, anterior skull base lesions, pituitary resections, CSF leaks, and encephaloceles. FELLOWSHIP DESCRIPTIONClinical Rotations:Clinical rotations are divided into two complementary pathways without any overlap to maximize case volume and the overall rhinologic experience. The weekly schedule alternates every three months between the two fellows, as displayed below. Weekly Schedule:Each fellow is on a separate rotation at The University of Pennsylvania. One fellow will spend at least 3 days in the OR, 1 day of clinic, and 1 day of research or additional time in the OR. The second fellow will have at least 2 days of OR, 1 day of clinic, and 2 days of research or additional time in the OR. The research time can be divided into either clinical or basic science research and, in addition, can be used for academic study such as board preparation. Every 3 months the fellows alternate schedules so both receive an equal amount of time with all faculty members. Throughout the year, both fellows will have academic time on Fridays with both adult and pediatric skull base cases mixed in. Fellow #1
Fellow #2
*Inf—Inflammatory, SB- Skull Base, Peds SB- Pediatric Skull Base Cases at CHOP, Acad-Academic time Research Responsibilities:The Rhinology Research Laboratory is headed by Noam Cohen, M.D., Ph.D. Protected time is provided for research and extensive opportunities are available in this well-funded and supported laboratory. Additionally, Drs Jennifer Douglas, MD and Michael Kohanski, MD,PhD will be actively involved both from a surgical perspective as well as fellow research initiatives. Current research projects involve the investigation of chronic rhinosinusitis outcomes, bitter taste receptor evaluation and translation, sinonasal tumor outcomes and the genetics of benign and malignant sinonasal tumors. Past fellows have also been involved with multiple clinical projects that have resulted in publications and national presentations, and have had many opportunities to collaborate in book chapters and review articles. The fellowship encourages and provides the opportunity to present research work at national meetings. Funding is provided for presentations. Diversity of Cases:The extensive national and international referral patterns of the rhinology division at Penn ensure a wide spectrum and high volume of tertiary rhinologic cases. Fellowship surgical experience is geared towards the more challenging skull base, orbital, intracranial, and revision surgical management cases. The Division of Rhinology performs well over 600 endoscopic inflammatory and over 200 skull base surgery cases per year, with a case mix comprising complex frontal sinus surgery, revision FESS, benign and malignant sinonasal tumors, anterior skull base lesions, pituitary resections, CSF leaks, and encephaloceles. 2021-2022 Case Log - Fellow #1 2021-2022 Case Log - Fellow #2 Call Schedule:Fellows actively engage in resident supervision and teaching and participate on an equal basis in general otolaryngology attending call (2-3 nights/month). Additional Information:The AERD and Otolaryngic Allergy Center, led by Dr. John Bosso offers inhalational allergen testing, immunologic work up, immunotherapy, and aspirin exacerbated respiratory disease (AERD) management. Fellows may elect to spend time learning the basics of otolaryngic allergy and management of an allergy clinic if they have an interest. Fellows are paid at the University PGY-6 level in addition to receiving full University health benefits. Fellows participate in the instruction of visiting fellows, mini-fellowship participants, and as a faculty member in the internationally acclaimed Penn International Rhinology and Skull Base Course. Fellows present Grand Rounds at the University of Pennsylvania Department of Otorhinolaryngology: Head and Neck Surgery approximately once per year. PAST FELLOWSJacob Eide- Assistant Professor, Henry Ford REQUIREMENTS FOR APPOINTMENTBoard eligible/board certified otolaryngologist with valid Pennsylvania state license. Applications are taken in the winter and spring for a position beginning July 1 of the subsequent year. We are currently only accepting U.S. applicants. Interest in subspecialty Rhinology and Rhinologic research is required. APPLICATION INFORMATIONThere are 2 fellowship positions offered per year for a 1 year clinical/research experience. The University of Pennsylvania is participating in the rhinology match. Applications should be filed through SFmatch. Applications will be reviewed on an individual basis and interviews will be offered in March and April. CONTACT INFORMATIONNithin Adappa, MD Or Judith Glass (Administrative Assistant) |