Friends in Research

Friends in Research Initiative

From the strength of our recent Scientific Programs at both the Spring and Fall meetings, it is easy to see that research is at the heart of the future of our specialty. Each year, the ARS awards resident and new investigator grants in rhinology as a participating society of the AAO-HNSF CORE Grant program. New this year the ARS is also offering a three-year, multi-site Consortium Grant. Many of these small grants have served to support the early development of some of our brightest minds and future leaders of our specialty. Members and friends of the American Rhinologic Society have the opportunity to make a direct donation to the ARS in support of research.

With your support, we can continue to fund the studies that provide clinical insights valuable to the care of our patients. This work not only advances the care of our patients through scientific innovation, but also generates important data establishing the efficacy and cost effectiveness of our care. In the current financial landscape, this is equally important to ensure that our patients have access to the treatment necessary to address their complaints.

Past grants have been largely supported by donations from industry, but it is up to us to ensure the strength and vitality of our specialty. We encourage the members of the ARS to join us in investing in the future of rhinology by making a tax-deductible contribution.

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2022 Friends in Research Donors

DIAMOND ($2500)

Michael Stewart, MD, FARS


Nithin Adappa, MD, FARS
J. Noble Anderson, Jr., MD
Roy Casiano, MD, FARS
Greg Davis, MD, FARS
Stacey Gray, MD, FARS
James Hadley, MD, FARS
Vincent Honrubia, MD
Peter Hwang, MD, FARS
Robert Kern, MD, FARS
Devyani Lal, MD, FARS
Amber Luong, MD, PhD, FARS
R. Peter Manes, MD, FARS
James Palmer, MD, FARS
Spencer Payne, MD, FARS
Loring Perry, MD
Murugappan Ramanathan, Jr, MD, FARS
Marc Rosen, MD, FARS
Rodney Schlosser, MD, FARS
Michael Sillers, MD, FARS
Masayoshi Takashima, MD
Jonathan Ting, MD, FARS
Eugenia Vining, MD
Sarah Wise, MD, FARS
Ken Yanagisawa, MD

GOLD ($500)

Nadeem Akbar, MD
Jeremiah Alt, MD, PhD, FARS
Steven Davis, MD
Amin Javer, MD, FARS
Jeb Justice, MD, FARS
Ashutosh Kacker, MD
Todd Kingdom, MD, FARS
Theodore Schuman, MD, FARS
Luisam Tarrats, MD, FARS

SILVER ($250)

Chris Davis, MD
Bradley Goldstein, MD
David Gudis, MD, FARS
Kamran Jafri, MD
Stephanie Joe, MD, FARS
Rebecca Kamil, MD
Eyad Khabbaz, MD
Jean Kim, MD, FARS
Kent Lam, MD, FARS
Andrew Lane, MD, FARS
Corinna Levine, MD, FARS
Seth Lieberman, MD
Sandra Lin, MD, FARS
Brian Lobo, MD, FARS
Chadi Makary, MD, FARS
Michael Marino, MD, FARS
Edward McCoul, MD, FARS
Kevin McMains, MD, FARS
Hassan Ramadan, MD, FARS
B. Todd Schaeffer, MD
Stephanie Smith, MD
Elina Toskala, MD, FARS
Bradford Woodworth, MD, FARS

BRONZE ($100)

William Belles, MD
David Conley, MD, FARS
Rohit Garg, MD, FARS
Ashleigh Halderman, MD, FARS
Thomas Higgins, MD, FARS
Aria Jafari, MD
Donald Lanza, MD, FARS
Li-Xing Man, MD, FARS
Kibwei McKinney, MD
Hassen Mohammed, MD
Jonathan Overdevest, MD
Nicholas Rowan, MD
Christopher Roxbury, MD, FARS
Kristine Smith, MD
James Stankiewicz, MD, FARS
Betsy Vasquez, MD
Winston Vaughan, MD, FARS
Andrew Victores, MD

FRIEND ($50) 

Madhup Chaurasia, MBBS
Ulrich Ecke, MD
Christian Hall, MD
Hugh Hetherington, MD
Christopher Ito, MD, FARS
Kris Lay, MD
Christopher Low, MD
Sonya Marcus, MD
Gretchen M. Oakley, MD, FARS
Nora Perkins, MD
Arthur Shukuryan, MD
Brian Song, MD

*as of June 24, 2022

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